Michael Colombo
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I have read many Christian books but none have moved me as reading the Christian Hero by John Macpherson. This is a small book of 95 pages and is the story or rather a “sketch of the life of Robert Annan.” It is easily readable, but at the same time deep in thought. I finished reading it in one day. This is the story of hope and love as it was intended.
It is the story of one man’s birth, life and death at a specific time in history; it is significant to say that this story is not bound by years. In fact, Robert’s story is relevant to all people regardless of time and place. It is the story from “sin to grace and from grace to glory.”
The story begins with Robert’s birth in 1834 in Hilltown, Dundee, Scotland. It rehearses his early years through young adult, being an accomplished swimmer and acting as a lifeguard assisting others. This quality defined much of his character, but at the same time he spent useless days in cavorting with others in taverns, cursing and fighting. Even though he was filled with the carnality of man, he was also found to be serious, kind hearted and generous.
He tasted of the fruit of failures, unending catastrophe’s, being thrown in prison and being a naval deserter. After each debacle though, his conscience troubled him more each time he failed. He was sorry for his failures, which caused great pain and soul angst. This vicious cycle of sin and repentance went on for many years but God pursued Robert.
God brought him to a place of decision. Is he to continue his destructive way or turn to God’s way? Like all sinners, Robert could not help himself; he sinned because he was a sinner! God called him to offer him freedom from his life of pain and bondage. I won’t ruin the story by revealing Roberts decision but I can say that it affected EVERYTHING he said and did from that moment on. The night he met his savior he was infused with the power of God; no longer to be his own man.
Robert wasted no time in reclaiming the days. If he found someone ill or hungry he would take them home and nurse them to health. If walking by a body of water and perchance someone were drowning he would risk his own life, dive in and rescue them. Robert lived his new life to the fullest telling of the Good News of the gospel. Robert assisted where he could with food clothing and lodging and many a woman caught in prostitution heard and saw the Good News from Robert and turned from their means. He once said that he was “compelled by the love of God to love and give.”
As Robert entered the last phase of his life, he was well aware of his mortality. Because of that, he left his diary of notes and letters. Reading these caused a great swell of tears to run down my cheeks as It gave me a glimpse of a humble and meek soul; one who favored others over himself; even to death! His God was his life! The way Robert died was surprising but was a great climax to a wonderful story.
It is not how Robert lived or even died that will be the test of time. It is IN WHOM he lived and died that makes the difference. I can suggest this book for all ages to read again and again. Great for Christians, but more importantly those in need of a savior should absolutely read, for eternity is at hand!