
Remarkable Incidents and Modern Miracles by G. C. Bevington

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Born with physical weaknesses, poorly educated, the son of a backslidden preacher, G. C. Bevington didn't have too much going for him in his beginning years. But he did have a godly mother, whose prayers were effectual for his salvation. Bevington became a man of great faith and prevailing prayer, who in his lifetime saw many extraordinary things accomplished through the power of God. This book is the account of his amazing life, told in his own simple way. Follow his exciting story as he recounts remarkable incidents and modern miracles. Some have likened his faith to that of George Mueller and his prayer life to that of the great intercessor, Rees Howells; his uniqueness and simplicity are reminiscent of Billy Bray. Be challenged and inspired as you discover what God can do with a life wholly dedicated to Him.


G. C. Bevington


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This book helped transform my faith in God's healing power. I was going through an acute case of intestinal trouble and this book inspired me to study the scriptures and believe, Healed, I went on to see many more people healed by faith in Christ over 30 years.
First heard of this book when a young adult Sunday school teacher sometimes read excerpts from an old copy he had. I'd grown up Lutheran. Thought miracles ceased but didn't know why. In a time of deep distress called to God for help. Some days later, saw things while sitting in my car. Next day, actually saw the man in my vision, then day after that, everything I'd seen inside my car began happening during a church service. (The man had been a pastor).
Fast-forward, I wound up at another church, where this book was shared at times in Sunday school discussions. Wow, it will spiritually red pill your life! Amazing, and yes, sometimes copies loaned out don't make it back. So, I just buy more...to share. People need faith. It's greatly helped mine, and it even has a children's chapter!
I was introduced to G.C Bevington's book through a friend around 20 years ago. It came at a difficult time in my walk with Christ. Bevington's writing style invited me into a deeper reading of what he described. Many times during the book I was convicted of some particular thing that was displeasing to my Father. His seriousness in his walk with God inspired me to pursue God differently. Over the course of the years since, I've realized the immense experience of being crucified with Christ and His taking His place on the throne of my heart. My life now is one of being available for Jesus Christ to do what He wants, When He wants and How He wants. What a journey of peace.
I thank God for Kingsley Press who have provided such treasures as this to the Body of Christ. May your ministry increase and prosper in these interesting days!
Excellent teaching on prayer that is almost entirely lost to the modern Church in the West. Excellent demonstration of God's heart and pursuit of all people--no matter how "vile" or far gone. A glimpse into life in rural America a hundred years ago. A simple yet captivating writing style.
I can't think of any.
I've owned this book for many years. From time to time I buy copies as gifts for people. It was my college History professor, Dr. Neff, who introduced us to this book. He would read parts of it to us before class began. I'll tell you straight: there are very few books in this category, teaching incredibly important truths that the church in much of the world has forgotten. I know of many other books on prayer, but I don't know of any that illustrate so well what Dr. Wesley Duewel called "Mighty, Prevailing Prayer." God longs to do the miraculous amoung us for HIS PURPOSES. God is on mission to save "the worst" amoung us, and to heal “impossible and hopeless” cases of sickness and disease. But because He wants us to grow into mighty warriors for His Kingdom, He waits for us to draw near and learn to do battle over the hardest issues of life. We're not just to tag along like little children. He wants us to rise up and do battle with Him side by side! Like a good parent, He does not make it easy on us; His goal is that we learn how to press in in prayer. Brother Bevington exemplifies this! There are many other truths I could mention, but the other major theme of the book is that God goes after all people, He rescues those that we believe to be the "vilest" amoung us...yes, the ones so far gone that we think "they would never come to God." Watch and see! God will send His choice servants into incredibly dark places to search out lost sinners and rescue them. Parts of the Bible that are hidden to our eyes will come to life and full meaning, and, if you take the message of this book to heart, I believe your walk with the Lord and your prayer life will never be the same.