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The 100 Greatest Questions Jesus Ever Asked by Dr. Mark S. F. Eckart -11%
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“Dr. Mark Eckart has it right. He takes you to the Word of God; then he makes you think about what the Bible says so that you understand its meaning. Second, he makes you think about what it means, and finally, he ends up making you think about how it should apply to your life. This is the highest level of inductive Bible study, so that each person goes directly to the Bible to get the answers from God, and the Holy Spirit is able to speak to them and give them what the Bible means and says. May God use this Bible Study to change lives.” —Dr. Elmer L. Towns, Co-founder, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia “I really like the...
$799 $899
Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray -10%
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Written in preparation for an evangelistic campaign in London, the messages in Absolute Surrender will challenge you to wholly yield your life to the Lord. God longs to fill you with the indwelling power of His Holy Spirit. What's keeping you from giving Him complete control? Murray notes, "Self, seeking to do God's work, is far more dangerous than refusing to obey." Read this challenging book by a giant of the faith, and learn to live with Christ and in the Spirit. Andrew Murray wrote numerous devotional books on the deeper Christian life, including Daily Thoughts on Holiness, Waiting on God and Secrets of...
$899 $999
The Joyful Heart by  Watchman Nee -15%
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The Joyful Heart is a dynamic collection of devotional gems from the works of Watchman Nee. Designed for daily reading, this book will enrich your walk with the Lord. “Some of us force ourselves to do things we don’t want to do and to live a life we cannot in fact live, and think that in making this effort we are being Christians. That is very far removed from what God offers us in Christ. The Christian life is lived when [we] receive the life of Christ within [us] as a gift; to live by that life.” – Excerpt from The Joyful Heart,/em> Watchman Nee was a noted Chinese Bible teacher and Christian...
$1099 $1299
God on Fire by Fred A. Hartley III -13%
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God on Fire is why you were born. You are more alive in the middle of God’s white-hot presence than anywhere else on earth. Once you encounter the manifest presence of Christ, you will never want to settle for anything less. In fact, the manifest presence of Christ is the single factor that distinguishes the church from the Kiwanis Club or the sports bar. Normally the history of revival is studied from man’s perspective; what we do to encounter God. God on Fire explores what God does to encounter us. Discover the three miracles that occur every time we encounter God. This book will help you: Learn the...
$1299 $1499
Amazing Love by Corrie Ten Boom -8%
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Corrie Ten Boom survived a Nazi concentration camp to become a worldwide witness for Christ. Her story has been told in the movie The Hiding Place, and in this wonderful book she shares with us many more amazing encounters with people in camps and jails, with students and acresses, and with the sophisticated and illiterate. We meet on these pages not Corrie, but Corrie's Christ. About the Author It is hard to overestimate the impact of the life of Corrie Ten Boom. She and her family risked their lives by hiding Jews in occupied Holland during World War II. Arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Ravensbruck, the notorious...
$1099 $1199
Changed into His Likeness by Watchman Nee -10%
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Are you ready for real and radical transformation? God Is Enough! This message comes through loud and clear in the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. While they failed time and again, God was faithful to convict, restore and bless them. And He is able to deal with our slipping and stumbling as well. Watchman Nee uses the lives of the patriarchs to show that God is able to turn our failure into success and our weakness into strength. He does this not so much by transforming the situation as by transforming us. But God s sufficiency in the face of our failure is seen only as we surrender to Him and are changed into His likeness. About...
$899 $999
Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom -8%
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The Story that Begins Where The Hiding Place Ends, Join Corrie on a worldwide trip that could only have been planned by God. “It was in a church in Munich that I saw him… One moment I saw the overcoat and the brown hat; the next, a blue uniform and a visored cap with its skull and crossbones. It came back with a rush: The place was Ravensbruck and the man who was making his way forward had been a guard—one of the most cruel guards. “Now he was in front of me, hand thrust out. I was face to face with one of my captors and my blood seemed to freeze. ‘Fraulein, will you forgive me?’” Corrie ten...
$1099 $1199
Love Covers by Paul E. Billheimer -11%
The author believes that the greatest tragedy in the history of the church is the sin of disunity, probably causing more offense toward the cause of Christ than any other factor. In this moving and thought-provoking message, Paul Billheimer reminds Christians that fellowship is based on common spiritual parentage and that unity of heart must take precedence over unity of doctrine. While the author's plea for unity is strong, he is not demanding compromise on historic doctrine issues nor abandonment of theological discussion on issues of interpretation. Rather, Pastor Billheimer's great burden is the fact that Christians have allowed...
$799 $899
Classic Christian Hymn-Writers by Elsie Houghton -25%
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This 340-page volume contains crisp and stirring biographical sketches of fifty of the world's greatest hymn-writers. The focus in this book is on the hymn-writers themselves rather than on specific hymns, which sets the book apart from most in this genre. "Hymns and their authors are a fascinating subject. So often the life story of the hymn-writer, or some incident from it, finds expression in the form of a hymn that then becomes a means of blessing to many thousands of people. In compiling this collection of brief biographies of some of the great hymn-writers, Mrs. Elsie Houghton has put the Christian world in her debt....
$899 $1199
Abraham by F. B. Meyer -7%
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This study in the life of Abraham continues F. B. Meyer's series of outstanding Bible biographies. It brings home to us the way in which faith should grow in us. "It grew in Abraham," Meyer concludes, "and it will grow in us." About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped together. Having been a student himself at London University, Meyer loved working with students. Throughout his long life...
$1299 $1399
David: Shepherd, Psalmist, King by F. B. Meyer -7%
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The character and life of David are supremely fascinating, not only to holy souls whose deepest thoughts have been expressed in his unrivaled psalms, but to all men: because of their humanness; their variety; their sharply constrasted experiences; their exhibition of traits of generosity and courage which always elicit admiration. The author states that while sketching every period of his life, he has concentrated on those passages which trace the steps by which the shepherd became the king. It was in these that his character was formed, his sweetest psalms composed, and those manifold experiences encountered which enabled him to...
$1299 $1399
Elijah and the Secret of His Power by F. B. Meyer -8%
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The author of this outstanding biography of Elijah insists that the life of this mighty man was produced through the indwelling of that Holy Spirit who is equally within reach of those who will believe and obey. There is nothing the Church of today needs so much as spiritual power; and there is nothing which we can have so easily, if only we are prepared to pay the price. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped...
$1199 $1299
Jeremiah: Priest and Prophet by F. B. Meyer -7%
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Jeremiah has always a fascination to Christian hearts because of the close similarity that exists between his life and that of Jesus Christ. Each of them was "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief"; each came to his own , and his own received him not; each passed through hours of rejection, desolation, and forsakeness. And in Jeremiah we may see beaten out into detail, experiences which, in our Lord, are but lightly touched on by the evangelists. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk...
$1299 $1399
John the Baptist by F. B. Meyer -7%
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The life and character of John the Baptist are full of great fascination. The author says he knows of nothing that makes so pleasant a respite from the pressure of life's fret and strain as bathing mind and spirit in the translucent waters of Scripture biography. As the clasp between the Old Testament and the New--the close of one and the beginning of the other; as among the greatest of those born of women; as the porter who oopened the door to the True Shepherd; as the fearless rebuker of royal and shameless sin--the Baptist must ever compel the homage and admiration of mankind. In many respects, such a life cannot be repeated. But...
$1299 $1399
Joseph: Beloved, Hated, Exalted by F. B. Meyer -7%
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F. B. Meyer has written a series of outstanding Bible biographies, and the very first one he prepared was this one on the life of Joseph. Joseph's life has a special charm, not only because of its intrinsic beauty, but because of its vivid anticipations of the Life that lights all lives. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped together. Having been a student himself at London University, Meyer loved working with students....
$1299 $1399
Joshua and the Land of Promise by F. B. Meyer -8%
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This study of the life of Joshua and the conquest of Canaan is intended to bolster the faith of God's children as well as to bring out the wonderful parallels between the story in the book of Joshua and the experiences of the church and the individual Christian--parallels so minute and precise as to establish with added force our faith in the Bible as one book, the production of one mind, which "at sundry times and in diverse manners" has spoken to men. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's...
$1199 $1299
Paul: A Servant of Jesus Christ by F. B. Meyer -7%
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F.B.Meyer has had few equals in the sphere of Biblical biography. He said of this volume, "In these chapters I have used the Epistles more than the Acts, as I desired to describe his life from within and as it appeared to himself." Included is the epic poem: "I Met the Messiah," in which Robert Delancy describes the Apostle Paul's personal testimony. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped together. Having been a student...
$1299 $1399
Peter: Fisherman, Disciple, Apostle by F. B. Meyer -7%
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Peter comes nearer to us than any of his brother apostles. We revere James, the brother of our Lord, for his austere saintliness. We strain our eyes in the effort to follow John to the serene heights whither his eagle-wing bore him. But Peter is so human, so like ourselves in his downsittings and uprisings, so compassed with infirmity, that we are encouraged to hope that perhaps the Great Potter may be able to make something even of our common clay. It need the Savior's insight to discover an apostle in Simon Bar-Jona, the fisherman. And it took the Savior's patient culture to elicit the dormant qualities of his character which...
$1299 $1399
Samuel the Prophet by F. B. Meyer -7%
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Samuel the prophet practically bridges the gulf between Samson the Judge and David the King: and there is deep significance in the fact that his name is identified with the two books of Scripture which describe this great transitional period, every event of which was affected by his influence. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped together. Having been a student himself at London University, Meyer loved working with...
$1299 $1399
Helps to Intercession by Andrew Murray -13%
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Looking for a way to jump-start your prayer life? You can't do better than this one-month prayer journal by Andrew Murray, a well-known prayer warrior. In a learn-by-doing structure, Murray presents 31 days of suggested topics to pray for, along with a short "How to Pray" teaching. Additional space is provided each day for your own prayer requests and for journaling notes on what the Lord is teaching you about prayer. About the Author: Andrew Murray, born in 1828, went from being a discouraged minister at age 25 to becoming one of the best loved writers on the deeper Christian life of all time. Murray found...
$699 $799
The Power of the Blood of the Cross by Andrew Murray -8%
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Twenty meditations about the precious blood of Christ. Some of the deepest mysteries of redemption are revealed, as the reader experiences a blessed entrance into the benefits of the blood. A spiritual classic born out of Andrew Murray's inquiring mind on these most precious truths. Newly edited and reset. Murray writes: "I am deeply convinced that we Christians can never know too much about the truths which the blood proclaims. There can be no freedom of approach to God, nor fellowship with Him, apart from a truly vital and powerful experience of the efficacy of the blood of Christ." About the Author: Andrew Murray, born in 1828,...
$1199 $1299
The Spiritual Life by Andrew Murray -8%
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In a series of messages given at Moody Bible Institute in 1895, Andrew Murray explained how to live a Spirit-filled life. This book, coming from those messages, is wise and timely counsel from a veteran saint and journeyman in the life of faith. In an era when discussion of the deeper life is often met with indifference or extremism, Murray brings a healthy balance. This excellent volume gives practical, Biblical advice on allowing the Holy Spirit complete control over your life. About the Author: Andrew Murray, born in 1828, went from being a discouraged minister at age 25 to becoming one of the best loved writers on the deeper...
$1099 $1199
The Christian Hero: A Sketch of the Life of Robert Annan by John Macpherson -22%
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If you've never heard of Robert Annan of Dundee, otherwise known as "the Christian Hero," prepare to be astounded at the amazing grace of God in his life as you turn the pages of this incredible little biography. Its thrilling story will stir you to the depths and almost certainly drive you to your knees with an increased desire to be used for God’s glory. The record of his beginning years reads much like that of John Newton - a life of wandering far from God in the ways of sin and rebellion. At least once he miraculously escaped death through the overruling providence of God. As time passed, he became thoroughly discontented with...
$699 $899
With Mercy and With Judgment by Alexander Whyte -16%
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Harold St. John, a great Bible teacher and preacher of a previous generation, was once asked which commentaries and helps to Bible study he would recommend. His reply went something like this: "A man who deals with Scripture," he said, "has a conscience which needs to be trained, a heart which must be warmed, and a will that should be yielded, and finally, a mind which must be fed. For the conscience, none is better than Alexander Whyte - his Lord, Teach Us to Pray and With Mercy and With Judgment will make his readers hot and ashamed." And sometimes, being hot and ashamed is just what we need, spiritually speaking. "Do no put off...
$799 $950
Plowed Under by Amy Carmichael -8%
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Amy Carmichael, admired writer and missionary, tells the story of Arulai Tara (Star of Grace), the sister of Mimosa. Arulai was given a notebook during a great illness and told to write what you can of the coming of the call of the unseen Spring. This book reveals the importance of preparing ourselves for obedience to God s call in our lives; the beauty in remaining faithful in preparing the ground God has given us. In the words of St. John of the Cross, Plowed Under illuminates for the reader the importance of [living] in the world as though there were in it but God and thy soul. About the Author Amy Carmichael was the eldest...
$1099 $1199
World Missions: Total Spiritual Warfare -9%
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Someone has said that the task of the preacher is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. The messages found in this book most definitely fall into the latter category. In these pages the author sounds a bugle call to Christian soldiers—a call “not to a holiday, but to a campaign. Our tent is pitched not in paradise, but on the field of battle…. The primary and only adequate figure of Christian service is that of the military conflict…. World missions under Christ's captaincy means war, total war, total mobilization for total conflict." This book was written and published toward the end of L. E. Maxwell's long and...
$999 $1099
I Talk Back to the Devil by A. W. Tozer -23%
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Tozer tells us "it is one of the devil's oldest tricks to discourage the saints by causing them to look back at what they were." Indeed, Satan has been in the business of intimidating and silencing the people of God for a very long time. But as we "press forward into maturity in Christ," we are armed with great strength to engage in battle with that adversary, the devil!
$999 $1299
Born After Midnight by A. W. Tozer -17%
Tozer has said that revivals are born after midnight because they “require a serious mind and a determined heart to pray past the ordinary into the unusual.” These insightful selections point out the disparity between human ways and God’s way. We are cajoled to rise above mere living, to press toward the blessings offered by the Holy Spirit. Christians often fail to reach beyond themselves to all that God has for them and to live in the extraordinary realm of close union with Christ.
$999 $1199
A. W. Tozer: A Twentieth-Century Prophet by David J. Fant Jr. -7%
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A. W. Tozer is applauded by contemporary evangelicals as a towering figure,a timeless treasure,a spiritual mentor and one of the great Christian writers of this century. His writings continue to create a thirst for the knowledge and pursuit of God in the hearts of millions. This book represents an overview of the life of this twentieth-century scholar, mystic, theologian, pastor, author and editor from those who knew him. These pages reflect not only a profit but a saint - a man of indefatigable zeal with an insatiable craving for God. A pastor in Chicago for 31 years, he rose to particular prominence as a preacher to preachers and...
$1299 $1399
Mary Slessor: Forward Into Calabar by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Mary Slessor pondered David Livingstone's words: "I don't care where we go as long as we go forward." "I'm not going anywhere," Mary mused. "I'm twenty-seven years old. I work in a cotton mill twelve hours a day. God," Mary prayed, "send me somewhere, anywhere, just send me to be a missionary. God would indeed answer the prayer of the fiery, red-haired woman from Scotland. For thirty-nine years, Mary Slessor would labor in love among the unreached, often treacherous, tribes of Africa's Calabar region. Braving sickness, danger, and death on all sides, Mary became the cherished "White Ma" to entire tribes. Her faith, steadfastness, and...
$799 $899
Jim Elliott: One Great Purpose by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose"  Jim and Pete turned to see the Auca men, their deadly spears raised, running toward Nate, Ed, and Roger. Jim stood in the river, his hand on his pistol. Should he defend himself? He already knew the answer. Each man had promised the others that he would not save himself by killing those they had sought out in Jesus' name. Jim Elliot and his coworkers surrendered their lives in Ecuador's jungle, trusting that their sacrifice would not be in vain. Decades later, this dramatic event has challenged countless Christians to live with one great purpose: to...
$799 $899
William Carey: Obliged to Go by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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William Carey watched from the dock as the magnificent sailing ship headed for the English Channel without him. Tears filled his eyes, and deep disappointment filled his heart. What would he tell the missionary society? So much work awaited him half a world away. He must get to India - and soon! William's amazing journey to India would prove to be just the beginning of a missionary quest filled with hardship and heartache as well as tremendous victories.  Often referred to as "the father of modern missions," William Carey displayed a single-minded determination to set his face like a flint to the task of bringing the gospel to...
$799 $899
Eric Liddell: Something Greater Than Gold by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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As the race began, it had seemed obvious that Eric Liddell was overmatched. Now the crowd in the Olympic Stadium hushed as this runner from Scotland refused to be passed. As Eric crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in applause heard all over Paris. Eric Liddell had done the impossible A new world record had been set! Eric's refusal earlier that week to run on Sunday in the Olympic 100-meter race had stunned the world. Now his incredible victory in the 400-meter race further strengthened his believe in God's promise, "He who honors Me, I will honor." Years later, Eric Liddell would be tested far beyond mere physical ability as a...
$799 $899
Corrie Ten Boom: Keeper of the Angel's Den by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The harsh lights stung Corrie's blackened eyes as she entered the Gestapo-controlled police station in Haarlem. How true her elderly father's words had been that quiet evening before Hitler's madness descended on Holland: "Germany will invade Holland. We will lose. God help all those in Holland who do not call on His name." Suddenly, Corrie's ordered life was lost in the insanity of war. With bravery and compassion, her family and countless other Dutch citizens risked everything to extend God's hand to those innocents marked for certain execution in a world gone mad.  Corrie ten Boom's life of determination, faith, and...
$799 $899
Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Amy Carmichael stood on the deck of the steamer, waving good-bye once again to her old friend Robert Wilson. How could she have known she would never see him or the British Isles again? Amy was certain God had called her to India. Indeed! India would be her home for the rest of her life. Amy Carmichael's life was one of simple, determined obedience to God, regardless of the consequences. Her service in India is a vivid example of the impact one person who will fear God and nothing else can have. Driven by love, sustained by faith and determination, this young woman from Northern Ireland defied the cruel barriers of India's caste system...
$799 $899
Nate Saint: On a Wing and a Prayer by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Seven-year-old Nate Saint peered wide-eyed over the cockpit of his older brother Sam's Challenger biplane. The eastern Pennsylvania countryside was spread out neatly below him like a fine tablecloth. Nate was determined to remember every moment of this first high-flying adventure. Flying soon captured Nate's heart. His air-service ministry to isolated missionaries put him on a path of destiny that would ultimately end with a final airplane flight with four missionary friends to the "Palm Beach" landing strip in the jungles of Ecuador. The men's lives given that day not only opened a door to the gospel for the unreached "Aucas"; it...
$799 $899
Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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This is the powerful story of Gladys Aylward. Without formal education or a missionary organization to back her, Gladys raised her own finances for the overland trip that would bring her to the country and people that God had etched so deeply on her heart.... China! What follows is an amazing adventure of faith and determination. Gladys Aylward, a housemaid from England, dared to trust God in the face of dire and seemingly hopeless circumstances. Her amazing adventure of faith and determination is one of the truly great missionary stories of our era (1902-1970). This best-selling, missionary biography series - Christian Heroes: Then...
$799 $899
Jonathan Goforth: An Open Door in China by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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"What would make you come back?" the Chinese people asked. "What is so important that you would risk your life to tell us?" Jonathan eagerly explained to them what had brought him back to China, even after so many foreigners had been killed: the need to share the gospel. As a poor Canadian farm boy, Jonathan Goforth had no idea that he would spend most of his life braving disaster, danger, and disease to share God's love with the people of China. But when God led him to do just that, nothing, not even the violent Boxer Rebellion, would stop Jonathan and his family from answering God's call. Making their home in China, the Goforths...
$799 $899
Cameron Townsend: Good News in Every Language by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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During WWI, Cameron Townsend was told, "You'll do more good selling Bibles in Central America than you would shooting Germans in France." Cameron began by translating the Bible into the language of his Guatemalan friends. Then he started Wycliffe Bible Translators with the dream of making the Good News available in every language. Since 1942, Wycliffe has translated Scripture into hundreds of languages, spreading God's Word to people everywhere. (1896-1982) This best-selling, missionary biography series - Christian Heroes: Then & Now - chronicles the exciting, challenging, and deeply touching true stories of ordinary men and women...
$799 $899
Adoniram Judson: Bound for Burma by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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There are no closed nations when men and women freely choose to lay down their lives for the sake of the gospel. As America's first foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson spent thirty-eight years working in Burma, then one of the most hostile countries on earth. Judson was ignored, mocked, beaten, and tortured, yet he never lost sight of his goal to translate the Bible into the Burmese language. Today, over 150 years after his death, his translation remains the only translation of the Bible in Burmese. (1788-1850) This best-selling, missionary biography series - Christian Heroes: Then & Now - chronicles the exciting, challenging, and...
$799 $899
David Livingstone: Africa's Trailblazer by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The lion's jaws gripped David Livingstone's arm. Razor-sharp teeth pierced his flesh as the lion savagely shook David in the air like a rag doll. A gunshot rang out. "God help us," David moaned, as the lion dropped him and turned to charge David's friend Mebalwe. With the heart of an explorer and the passion of an evangelist, David Livingstone mapped vast, unexplored areas of Africa, sharing the gospel with whomever he encountered. His stamina, perseverance, and dogged determination created the legacy of a trailblazing explorer with an undying hunger to make Christ known wherever his steps led him. David Livingstone's captivating...
$799 $899
Brother Andrew: God's Secret Agent by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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When he became God's smuggler, Brother Andrew was already familiar with risk. As a boy, the intrepid Andrew van der Bijl joined the Dutch Resistance against the Nazi occupation. As a young man, he fought eagerly in the Dutch East Indies - until the horror of war turned the adventure seeker to a life of alcohol and desperation. Redeemed by God, the Dutchman became a daring messenger of hope, smuggling Scripture through closed borders and equipping persecuted Christians behind the Iron Curtain. Today Brother Andrew and the ministry of Open Doors continue to shine the light of Christ in the world's darkest places. (1928- ) This...
$799 $899
Count Zinzendorf: Firstfruit by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Six-year-old Ludwig was sitting at the table, reading his Bible and praying, when Swedish soldiers stormed through the castle door. Ludwig looked up at the soldiers and then returned to his prayer and reading. The soldiers stopped and stared-then left. They said they could not ransack a place that God watched over. An unusually mature Christian at a very young age, Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) did not follow the course dictated by his noble birth but followed God's call even to the point of being banned from his native Saxony. Once destined for the royal court, the count instead became a spiritual father to millions....
$799 $899
Clarence Jones: Mr. Radio by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Returning to Radio HCJB, Clarence (1900-1986) brought up the rear as the men rode in the dark along the narrow horse trail carved from the mountainside. Suddenly Clarence's horse stumbled and slid over the trail's edge, taking him with it. As horse and rider fell toward the canyon floor one thousand feet below, Clarence was not even able to scream. Although born into a devout Christian family, Clarence Jones wasn't interested in religion. It was this Midwesterner's ear for music that led him to play trombone at Chicago's Moody Church, where he gave his life to Christ and volunteered for mission work. Clarence's work began in...
$799 $899
Sundar Singh: Footprints Over the Mountains by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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As Sundar preached the gospel to the crowd, the monastery guard marched forward and arrested him. Sundar was dragged to the edge of town and hurled to the bottom of an abandoned well. The air was putrid. Desperation and loneliness soon washed over him. Left to die, Sundar leaned against the side of the well and began to pray. Searching since boyhood for the way to God, Sundar Singh found truth in Jesus Christ. At sixteen, the former Sikh became a Christian sadhu, or holy man, and at great risk devoted his life to Christ. With bare feet and few possessions, Sundar crossed the precarious Himalayas between India and Tibet many times,...
$799 $899
Florence Young: Mission Accomplished by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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A rip current overturned the whaleboat with eight Kanaka Christians aboard. Only three of the men could swim, and the others clung to the upturned boat. Sharks circled the three as they struggled to get to shore. The three survived, but the others could not be found. When Florence heard the news, she resolved to go on despite the dangers. Once timid and unsure of her own salvation, New Zealander Florence Young rose to her calling and became a fearless and faithful witness for Jesus Christ. Eventually serving in the remote Solomon Islands and, for a season, in China during the deadly Boxer Rebellion, Florence began her service close to...
$799 $899
Loren Cunningham: Into All the World by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Without warning, a huge map of the world appeared in Loren's mind's eye. Loren blinked, but the map was still there. Soon it was covered with ocean waves beating on every shore. Then the waves turned into the faces of young people flowing over every nation. Was Loren being given a glimpse of the future? If so, what part was he going to play? Ever since he was a young boy dreaming of writing "God Is Love" on the moon so that all the world's people could see it, Loren Cunningham has committed his life to reaching the whole world with the Good News of Jesus Christ, ministering in every nation on earth.  Through his unswerving...
$799 $899
Wilfred Grenfell: Fisher of Men by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The icy Arctic cold stabbed at Wilfred's fingers and toes. A howling wind was pushing the ice pan he was stranded on out to sea - and with it hope of rescue. His clothed, soaked when his dogsled fell through the ice, were now frozen. Lying near his sled dog for warmth, Wilfred fought off sleep, knowing he might never wake up.  Adventurous Wilfred Grenfell was no stranger to danger. As a new Christian, this English doctor ministered to fishermen on the deadly North Sea. And when he heard about the appalling poverty and injustice across the ocean in Newfoundland, he went to work among the desperately poor fishing communities of the...
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C. S. Lewis: Master Storyteller by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
From his earliest childhood, C.S. Lewis loved to hear and tell stories. Persuaded that stories could reveal the truth about the real world in a unique way, the literature professor would write more than thirty books, including science fiction, theology, literary criticism, and fantasy. (1898 -1963)  In an era marked by two world wars, Lewis attacked tough questions about life and faith headfirst. Convinced that the story of Jesus Christ is the truest of all stories, and known for searching out the truth with honesty, clarity, and imagination, the former atheist would become one of the most influential Christians of the twentieth...
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David Bussau: Facing the World Head-On by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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David listened to what the others said and thought for a few moments. He didn't often talk to the other boys about what he was thinking, but this time he opened his mouth and said, "I'm going to be a millionaire and retire by the time I'm forty!" David Bussau grew up in New Zealand boys' homes where expectations of the young men were grim. David shattered those expectations, emerging as an enterprising teenager running a rented hot dog stand. Numerous business ownerships and financial success followed, and with that success, a vision to provide natural disaster relief and aid to the poor in Australia, Indonesia, India, and beyond....
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