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The full title of the book is The Church of Old in its Unity, Gifts and Ministry. It's an exposition of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14. Govett says that these chapters from the pen of the apostle are "eminently worth of study, and much light will be found to flow from them to those who read them under the teaching of the blessed Spirit of God.... As a whole, these three chapters present the churches of God of old in their gifts, unity, love, worship, and ministry. Viewed as single chapters: chapter 12 offers to us THE BODY AND THE SPIRIT; or the Holy Spirit gifting and sustaining the many members of Christ in their places and mutual...
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Govett illuminates and explains the parables of the Bible with his usual clearness and thoroughness. You'll definitely want to peruse his insights on these sometimes hard-to-understand portions of the Scriptures. Robert Govett (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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The author examines our Lord's letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor in the book of Revelation with application to believers in the last days before Christ's return in glory. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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In this book Govett zeroes in on some of the main themes of the book of Revelation, and how those themes can be traced throughout Bible history. The first chapter, for example, looks at the Man, the Woman, the Serpent, and their respective seeds. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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An exposition of Paul's epistle to the Philippians by Robert Govett. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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The full title of the book is "The Last Days and the First Resurrection; or Thoughts on Paul's Last Epistle." The author believes that the counsels offered by Paul to Timothy in this epistle are of utmost value to Christians living in the "latter times." Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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Govett examines the first and second epistles to the Thessalonians, paying particular attention to the main theme of the "presence" of Christ and its effects on the saved and the lost.
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The resurrection of Christ is fundamental to the Christian faith. Without it, Christianity falls to the level of all other religions, and those who are called by the name Christian are, as the apostle Paul says, "of all men most miserable." Because of its crucial importance in the scheme of redemption, it has been assailed and attacked all down through the centuries, beginning in the days of the early church. This volume is Robert Govett's defense of the doctrine of the resurrection, both Christ's and ours, based on his exposition of 1 Corinthians 15. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well...
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In his first epistle to Timothy, the apostle Paul wrote that there would be a great falling away or apostasy in the latter days. This booklet unfolds Govett's understanding of the nature and timing of that great apostasy. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon said of him: "Mr. Govett wrote a hundred years before his time, and the day will come when his works will be treasured...
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Robert Govett's book on 1 John is not an attempt at a verse-by-verse commentary on the whole of the First Epistle of John. It attempts rather to set forth the leading ideas of this portion of Scripture. The principal doctrinal topics are those of the Trinity and of the person of Christ, with the practical consequences which flow from them. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon...
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These pages present Govett's understanding of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. He writes: "Of all the passages of difficulty in the book of Revelation, the history of the Two Witness is, I should suppose, the most perplexing to every interpretation but the true. To any who might be in doubt about any new explanation of the Apocalypse, 'Test it by its power to explain the Two Witnesses. If it fail anywhere, and be conspicuous in its failure anywhere, it will be there.'" Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a...
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A sermon by Robert Govett regarding the sin and punishment of Esau, the brother of Jacob. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon said of him: "Mr. Govett wrote a hundred years before his time, and the day will come when his works will be treasured as sifted gold."
$189 $199
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CLASSIC EDITION The beloved devotional My Utmost for His Highest has challenged, encouraged, and moved people to think more deeply about their relationship with the Lord. The golden book of Oswald Chambers has sold more than 13 million copies, and has helped to ignite countless individuals’ faith. You’ll find 365 thought-provoking meditations, in a classic-language edition, that will challenge you to be the person that God designed you to be. Oswald Chambers, a Scotsman who converted to Christianity in his teens under the ministry of Charles Spurgeon, has been affecting Christians with his devotional words since My Utmost for His...
$699 $799
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In fourteen short chapters, the author shows simply yet thoroughly what the heart is, how it was corrupted, and how it may be made and kept clean. His examination of the subject includes such subjects as the heart and the nature, flesh and spirit, the old and new man, the heart and the conscience, and Christ dwelling in the heart.  This small book will prove to be an invaluable resource for preachers and teachers and a source of enlightenment and encouragement to anyone seeking a closer walk with God. Highly recommended. G. H. Lang  (1874-1958) was a gifted Bible teacher and prolific author who in his early life was...
$699 $799
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This book is the closest Vance Havner ever came to writing an autobiography. It tells of his boyhood years spent in the hills of North Carolina, his conversion at ten years of age, the obtaining of a preaching license at twelve, and his ordination at fifteen. Brief accounts are given of his high school and Bible college years, along with a brief history of early pastorates and evangelistic travels. In his usual forthright manner he tells about his short dalliance with modernism and his subsequent return to the old-time gospel message. “My preaching was of the ‘repent as it were and believe in a measure or you’ll be lost to some extent’...
$999 $1099
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“God wants intercessors. The greatest blessing God could give his church today would be a few souls who pray as Elijah prayed; a few intercessors who know his will, and seek and pray for nothing else. May God raise them up.”Most Christians would agree with this conviction of Jessie Penn-Lewis. A careful meditation on these pages will act as a powerful stimulus in turning this conviction into personal experience. Those who, at some stage in their Christian lives, have cried as the disciples of old, “Lord, teach us to pray,” will find valuable help from the lessons highlighted here.
$599 $699
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THE last word of our Lord to the church is not the Great Commission. The Great Commission is indeed our program to the end of the age, but our Lord’s last word to the church is “Repent.” That was his command to five out of seven of the churches in Asia, and that proportion still holds. Five out of seven Christians and churches today need first of all to repent.Today there is plenty of religious interest, a wave of mass evangelism, and all kinds of church activities. But none of these add up to real revival in the church. The messages in this book are meant to exhort both individual Christians and the church at large to take our Lord’s...
$999 $1099
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This 281 page book is a collection of expositions on the spiritual life from the able pen of G. D. Watson, who has been called "The Apostle to the Sanctified." He writes: "When we are born of the Spirit there is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, a peculiar and hitherto unknown love for God and his Son Jesus. It is an exotic transplanted from a celestial clime by the hand of God; it is a personal attachment to our heavenly Father, a heart passion toward the Lord Jesus, an ineffable yearning for the Divine, an instinctive and dominant regard for the things of God which is utterly beyond the products of nature. No fine...
$1199 $1299
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In times when gospel fires are burning low, one way to begin fanning the embers of spiritual desire into flames is to read the biographies of saints in ages past whose love for God was blazing hot. Such a one was John Smith, an itinerant Wesleyan Methodist preacher whose passion for God and for souls was equal to that of David Brainerd, Henry Martyn, Robert Murray McCheyne, and David Stoner. Like them, his light only blazed forth for a short time, being extinguished by his untimely death at the youthful age of 37. Smith was radically converted in his late teens, and from the very beginning of his Christian life he manifested a burning...
$899 $999
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William Bramwell was without doubt the most significant revivalist during the thirty years following the death of John Wesley. Thousands of ungodly men and women were swept into the kingdom of God through his ministry. He was brought up in a good Anglican home with strong morals but was deeply convicted of sin from a young age. In his late teens he was radically converted and after some misgivings joined the despised Methodists. For some time, he struggled to know whether he was called to preach, and once spent thirty-six hours in a disused sand pit pleading with God to make his will known. When once the call was made clear, he became...
$999 $1099
Peace in the Valley by Vance Havner -9%
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The thrill of a new bird song ... the serene benediction of a quiet sundown ... an hour of reflection by a woodland stream. These are the elements of refreshing spiritual retreat to which this book joyously summons. With characteristic charm and challenge, Vance Havner here extols in fifty inspirational readings the unchanging wonders of God in nature – the kind of pastoral tranquility which sharply contrasts with the turbulent tempo of everyday life. “We have labored to enter into rest, but we cannot rest,” these devotional messages briskly remind. “If we do not know rest within, we will never find it without.” It is such essential inner...
$999 $1099
Day by Day with the Best of Spurgeon: On the Love and Loveliness of Jesus by Dolores E. Coupland -6%
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Day by Day is a collection of the best writings of Charles H. Spurgeon; an entire book centered on Jesus, his great sacrifice for us, and what he means to us. "Are you trusting in the cross? Are you resting in Jesus? If not, may the Lord teach you this blessed privilege." Jesus is our salvation, our treasure, our heaven, our all. Bathe yourself in the love and loveliness of the Lord as Spurgeon leads us to all those precious places where our Savior lived, suffered, and then died for our redemption. "Charles Spurgeon was one of the very few individual Christians since Paul, with a far-flung, era-changing influence. Since his death in 1892,...
$1499 $1599
Pleasant Paths by Vance Havner -9%
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The author calls this little book a “sheaf of mediations,” the kind of brief meditative essays that gained him such a wide circle of readers. As always, there are plenty of nuggets of wisdom scattered through these pages. Havner says in the foreword (speaking of himself in the third person): “These reflections have been sweet to him and he trusts they will be so to others. He has made himself be still now and then to write such things for his own soul’s good. May it help some others to ‘prime their pumps!’ But, better still, may it point us to him in whom, if we abide, we shall never thirst but ever receive and ever overflow.” The last...
$999 $1099
Though I Walk Through the Valley by Vance Havner -9%
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The year 1973 marked a very low point in the life of Vance Havner, America’s most quoted preacher. It was the year his beloved wife and companion of thirty-three years was struck down by a fatal and dreaded disease which distorted her lovely features and rendered her a helpless invalid. She departed this life to be forever with the Lord on September 2, 1973. Though I Walk Through the Valley is the chronicle of Vance Havner’s passage through the darkest valley of his life, the record of how his faith in God triumphed in the crucible of suffering and bereavement. Don’t expect these pages to be filled with time-worn clichés or pat...
$999 $1099
Morning and Evening by C. H. Spurgeon Classic Edition -20%
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Countless Christians have been inspired by Spurgeon’s straightforward and insightful writings. And these classic meditations continue to be just as relevant today as they were more than one hundred years ago. In this popular devotional book, Spurgeon challenges readers to reflect on the redemptive work of Christ and the power they have in Him to live for God’s glory. Readers can discover the joy of spending intimate times with God—knowing who they are in Christ, growing stronger in their faith, and loving Him more. > Emphasizes the importance of a relationship with Christ > Offers practical insights into everyday...
$1999 $2499
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If you’ve never read Vance Havner’s writings, I can’t think of a better place to start than this little volume of short devotionals. Every page is vintage Havner. In his foreword, Dennis Hester writes, “These brief meditations are powerful, Bible-centered truths written in the same witty and prophetic style for which Havner is loved and known.” He continues: “ Consider Jesus is filled with Havner’s priceless wit and practical wisdom. The author takes time to reflect on his walking and talking with God. Havner’s love for nature, his devotion to Jesus Christ, and his ability to apply eternal truths to everyday living are refreshing,...
$999 $1099
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Learn how to pray from the prayers of a man totally surrendered to Christ. Selected and arranged by Biddy Chambers from her husband’s personal diary, this collection of 366 prayers, in updated language, provides a unique glimpse into the spiritual life of Oswald Chambers, author of the classic devotional My Utmost for His Highest. Exhibiting humility and perseverance, these petitions encourage you to knock at God’s door , enter into His presence, and live your “utmost for His highest.” Spiral bound. "Lord, my chief desire is to be rooted and grounded in you—God-centered and God-absorbed, God-enthused and God-loved. How eager my...
$999 $1499
Portrait of Integrity: The Life of Ray C. Stedman by Mark S. Mitchell -23%
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Abandoned by his father when he was a young boy, Ray Stedman had a ruggedly independent upbringing. Yet, through faith, he matured into one of the great spiritual leaders of the twentieth century. Today's church is filled with pastors and leaders--men like David Roper, Charles Swindoll, and Luis Palau--who consider Ray their mentor and lifelong friend. Biblical teaching was Ray's calling and passion, and he motivated and inspired many by the power of the preaching of the Word of God. Ray Stedman's preeminent goal was to be a faithful steward of the gifts God had given him. By examining the life of this remarkable but very human man, you...
$999 $1299
Richard Wurmbrand: Love Your Enemies by Janet and Geoff Benge -20%
As he tried to think calmly about faith, Richard realized that he didn’t want anything to do with Christianity, even if it did turn out to be true. He could only imagine life as a Christian Jew, and what he imagined was awful. No one in his or her right mind would choose such a path. At least, Richard was sure that he would not choose it. Richard Wurmbrand, founder of Voice of the Martyrs, was once a young atheist determined to experience everything the world had to offer. Yet he regretted that God did not exist, wishing that a heart of love beat somewhere in the universe. When the Romanian found that heart of love in Jesus Christ, he...
$799 $999
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"For three hours, Charles sat in the car on the side of the road. 'God, show me what to do. I will obey what You tell me,' he found himself praying. 'I'm willing to give up everything You've blessed me with. Use me to reach those kids, Lord. They are just like I was, without hope. Help me bring them hope.'" When Charles Mulli (1949-) was a child, his family repeatedly abandoned him, and he lived in fear of his abusive, alcoholic father. With an extraordinary will, the young Kenyan struggled to feed and educate himself and, encountering hope in the gospel, found a reason to live and to forgive. Later, as a multimillionaire and father...
$799 $999
The John Bunyan Collection CD -10%
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This CD contains 34 titles by John Bunyan, including the well known ones such as Pilgrim's Progress, The Holy War, and Grace Abounding, as well as lesser known titles such as The Fear of God and The Heavenly Footman. Also included on the CD are Bunyan-related works by John Brown, Alexander Whyte, and others. Over 70 works on one data CD. NOTE: This is a DATA CD containing books in PDF format. This is not an audio/visual CD or DVD.
$1799 $1999
God's Eagles by G. D. Watson -8%
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If you’ve never heard of “eagle saints” before, this book is for you. Allow G. D. Watson to walk you through God’s Word and shine a spotlight on passage after passage relating to this fascinating subject. In describing the book to the original publishers, Watson himself wrote: “It is a series of Bible expositions describing the destiny of the saints clear through all the ages, from the time of the new birth, on through life and death, translation and resurrection, the judgment of the saints, the marriage supper of the Lamb, the chaining of Satan, the millennial reign, and the New Jerusalem, so as to present to the Lord’s people a...
$1199 $1299
Jesus of Nazareth, Who Is He? by Arthur Wallis -10%
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Jesus Christ claimed to be the Son of God and the New Testament endorses this claim. But what does the expression mean? Was Jesus merely the greatest of all creatures, or was he an uncreated, eternal being, worthy of our worship? Taking us through scriptural statements and reasoning, the author conclusively establishes the deity of Jesus. He then leads the reader on to see the necessity of knowing this same Jesus as personal Savior and Lord.
$449 $499
The State of the Church by Andrew Murray -17%
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In 1911 global mission leaders met in Edinburgh, Scotland, to confront a sobering situation: two-thirds of the world was unevangelized, sending churches were declining in membership and spiritual vitality, and interest in missions was waning. How could such a weak and sickly church meet the challenge of fulfilling the Great Commission? In response to this situation, Andrew Murray wrote The State of the Church. This urgent call to repentance and prayer helped spur on one of the most fruitful missionary movements in church's history. Is history repeating itself today? One hundred years after this book was penned, the church finds itself in...
$999 $1199
Living in Kingdom Come by Vance Havner -9%
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As with all other books from the pen of Vance Havner, Living in Kingdom Come is full of timeless truth and spiritual direction for pilgrims on their way to the heavenly city. In a chapter entitled “Living in Kingdom Come,” from which the book gets its name, he writes: The Christian moves through the kingdom of this world as a citizen of the kingdom of God. He is not a citizen of earth trying to get to heaven, but a citizen of heaven making his way through this world. He belongs to what Peter calls “an holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9), the only Christian nation on earth, a nation within the nations. He sees everything in the light of...
$999 $1099
Fragments that Remain by Amy Carmichael -9%
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Just as there were 12 baskets of fragments left over from the feeding of the 5,000, so the notes and letters that Amy Carmicheal left behind provide “basketfuls” of spiritual nourishment. Come feast on these delightful morsels from the life of one who was truly abandoned to God. Compiled by Bee Trehane, Fragments That Remain is a compilation of notes and letters left behind by Amy Carmichael after her death in 1951. Drawing from her many years as a missionary in countries such as Japan and India, Carmichael has left us words of inspiration, encouragement and guidance. In Amy's own words: "If to all our Lord asks of us-obedience,...
$999 $1099
On This Rock I Stand by Vance Havner -9%
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George Sweeting says Vance Havner “has traveled the length and breadth of America, calling our nation to repentance and faith. At the age of twelve he began to preach in the hill country of North Carolina and has preached well over 13,000 sermons since then. The heart of his ministry is revival. Courageously he speaks to our age, convicting our hearts, revealing our sins, and pointing to Jesus Christ as the only remedy. Havner says, ‘The tragedy of the hour is that the situation is desperate, but the saints are not. If they were, we would have revival.’ Thousands of students and Christian workers have been revived and recharged through...
$999 $1099
D. E. Hoste: A Prince with God by Phyllis Thompson -8%
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D. E. Hoste was one of the “Cambridge Seven” who went to China as missionaries in 1885. In 1900 he succeeded Hudson Taylor as the general director of the China Inland Mission, now known as OMF. He was chosen to be the leader of the Mission because he had served the people of China and his fellow missionaries in a spirit of love, humility, and self-discipline. He was also a man of deep prayerfulness. He believed, like Hudson Taylor before him, that “it is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone.” “Patient, persevering prayer,” wrote Mr. Hoste, “plays a more vital and practical part in the development of the Mission’s work than...
$1199 $1299
The Unwanted Gift by Tom Elliff -7%
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In The Unwanted Gift: Hearing God in the Midst of Your Struggles , Tom Elliff shares how he and his wife, Jeannie, came to view their toughest challenge as a gift. Through biblical study and reflection on a personal trial, he teaches how to accept that hardships bring life’s greatest measure of God’s grace and power. Our most painful problems, though unwanted, can truly be gifts from God. Tom Elliff is gifted by the Lord with the ability to teach us biblical truth from the experiences of life. The home-going of his precious Jeannie was filled with lessons he would rather not learn at this time. But in typical Elliff fashion he has put...
$1399 $1499
Gems of Martin Luther -17%
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It is the truth alone which can bring peace to the sinner by the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his redemption, and this truth is found in God’s Word. Martin Luther was one servant used by God to restore to the church the truth of the gospel which had become obscured by the doctrines of men. His personal struggle as a sinner seeking peace with God, the righteous Judge, led him to comprehend, according to God’s Word, what sin is and what grace and salvation truly are. He found that, although God is indeed a righteous Judge, he is also a God of mercy and forgiveness. Luther, in seeking peace with God, minimized neither his own sin nor...
$499 $599