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In these pages Govett covers the biblical teaching on the rapture of the saints at the end of the age. This book has been out of print for a number of years so this is a great chance to get your hands on a copy. Hardback. 
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Song at Twilight contains 50 meditations from the able and fluent pen of Vance Havner, America’s most quoted preacher. In the preface he notes that his previous batch of meditations had been titled It Is Toward Evening, adding, “This new collection indicates that by now I am approaching twilight.” In these pages you will find the mature perceptions of someone who has walked with God for many decades through this decaying and decadent world with a firm step and steady gaze toward the city whose builder and maker is God. The gates of that city are within sight as the traveler shares with us the distilled wisdom of many years before taking...
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A truly amazing explication of the foundational Christian message. As relevant today as when it was written a century ago. Addressed to the Sufi brotherhood, this volume—Trotter’s 1926 flagship publication—masterfully lays out the Christian gospel as posed by the apostle John as the seven I Ams of Christ. For each element—Bread. Light. Door. Shepherd. True Vine . . .—Trotter engages the reader’s heart and intellect, showing how Jesus Himself satisfies life’s basic longings . . . of satisfaction, illumination, access, leadership, progress. As Dr. Miriam Adeney states in the book introduction, “Although [Trotter]...
$699 $799