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The Anxious Inquirer by John Angell James -11%
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Deep anxiety about salvation is the most reasonable thing in the world. As immortal spirits destined for eternal bliss or everlasting misery, no question is more important than “What must I do to be saved?” This book answers that question in classic fashion. The author skillfully guides the seeking soul to the one and only source of salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross. Biblical repentance and saving faith are clearly explained. The reader is also offered much practical advice on dealing with common mistakes, perplexities and discouragements encountered by those seeking salvation. Although written primarily...
$799 $899
Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour? by Karen Finn -15%
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A 12-chapter topical series developed for young women, this book can be used for individual and small group study, 7th-12th grade Sunday school curriculum, or for mother/daugher Bible study. Is your fruit sweet or sour? Which flavor describes your disposition? Is your tell-tale "taste" encouraging and inviting to others, or does it send them away, disgusted and disillusioned? Our commitment to Christ is reflected in the spirit that seeps out of us. A teen girl's walk with the Lord can get easily entangled by numerous influences and issues (we call them weeds) which have taken root in her heart. Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour? shows young...
$1099 $1299
The Bible and Spiritual Life by A. T. Pierson -6%
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The chapters of this book were originally delivered as part of the “Exeter Hall Lectures.” Dr. Pierson’s purpose was to show and illustrate that the Bible is God’s exact provision, satisfaction and guide for all the cravings and crises of man’s moral and spiritual life. Only the creator, who knows perfectly what is in man, could have made a book which so completely anticipates and answers all the needs of his higher nature. Anyone perusing these pages, whether preacher or lay person, will profit greatly from the amazing insights unfolded in these pages. How does the Bible deal with the problems of faith, prayer, suffering, providence, and...
$1599 $1699
Tread Upon the Lion: The Story of Tommie Titcombe by Sophie de la Haye -9%
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New from Kingsley Press Tommie Titcombe was small in stature physically, but spiritually he was a giant. Saved in his early twenties, he soon felt called of God to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who had never heard the good news of salvation. Twice he applied to the Sudan Interior Mission, and twice he was refused. He told the director, Rowland Bingham, that he was going to Africa anyway. Upon being asked what board he was going under, Tommie replied, “I don’t know, Mr. Bingham. It may be some old woman’s wash board, but I’m going to Africa!” Seeing Tommie’s determination, Mr. Bingham soon afterwards relented and accepted...
$999 $1099
The Release of the Spirit by Watchman Nee -14%
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Surely this is an hour when the battleground is over the soul. The Lord is seeking to work from the inside, through the spirit, regenerated by the new birth. Whereas Satan is attempting to work from the outside, through the soul, made corrupt by the Fall. Even in the believer, the self-hyphenated strengths of the outer man, the unbroken soul, have not yet been brought under the control of the Spirit. For this, Watchman Nee helps us to see that in order for his life-giving Spirit to be released through the channel of the human spirit, the "hard-shell" soul of the outward man necessitates breaking.  Watchman Nee became...
$599 $699
The Full Blessing of Pentecost by Andrew Murray -11%
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YOUR GREATEST NEED ... THE SPIRIT'S UNLIMITED SUPPLY We believe it, we preach it, we strive for it--but still for many, the kind of free-flowing life in the fullness of the Spirit is more of a dream than a reality. Andrew Murray skillfully identifies the defects in faith the prevent the life-giving flow, and guides us to the Spirit's full blessing! "Only as we understand that believing in him means a yielding up of the whole heart and life and will, to let him live and rule within us, can we confidently count upon receiving all that we need of the Holy Spirit's power and presence," Murray says. "When Christ...
$799 $899
The Secret of Brotherly Love by Andrew Murray -17%
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The subject with which this little book deals is one of the most difficult and profound of themes. Readers are invited to adore the love of God with Andrew Murray, and the miracles of grace it can work in human hearts--filling them with divine love. 31 short readings - ideal as a daily devotional for one month!
$249 $299
The Secret of the Faith Life by Andrew Murray -17%
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Focuses on "the abundant life there is in Christ Jesus" with a desire that believers may be stirred "to a deep, unquenchable longing to know fully what Christ is meant to be to them". 31 short readings suitable as a daily devotional for one month!
$249 $299
The Secret of the Throne of Grace by Andrew Murray -17%
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These pages emphasize the truth that apart from the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we have no desire either to love God or our neighbors. Such thoughts are so important and so heavenly that I wish to make clear the teaching of God's Word concerning them. 31 short readings - ideal as a one-month daily devotional.
$249 $299
The Secret of United Prayer by Andrew Murray -17%
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The thoughts contained in this booklet are some to which Andrew Murray gave prominence and which occupied his mind up to the end of his life. It was his desire that many would join the ranks of intercessors--those who pray continually for the Church of Christ and His kingdom on earth. 31 short readings - ideal as a one-month daily devotional.
$249 $299
Lottie Moon: Giving Her All for China by Janet & Geoff Benge -10%
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Ten-year-old Lottie Moon had seen too much bitterness and gossip among churchgoers to want anything to do with religion or God. In fact, if there was a single way to waste a life, Lottie told herself, being a missionary was it. In a twist that only God could orchestrate, this spirited young girl who grew up to become the most educated woman in the American South would ultimately find her calling as a missionary to China. As Lottie watched her fellow missionaries fall to disease, exhaustion, mental breakdowns, and death, she became just as dedicated to educating Christians about the often preventable tragedies of missionary life as she...
$899 $999
William Booth: Soup, Soap, and Salvation by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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William burst into the house. "I have found my destiny!" he shouted. "I have found a place where there is so much human misery in such a small space that there is a lifetime's worth of work there for me!" Horrified by the poverty and suffering most people took for granted in industrial England, William Booth dedicated his life to bringing the gospel to the outcasts of society who would never enter a church and weren't welcome there. At age fifteen William vowed, "God shall have all there is of William Booth," and not even resistance from the church and government, lack of financial support, or vicious attacks by angry mobs could stop...
$799 $899
John Wesley: The World His Parish by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Pursuing his calling with singleness of vision, John Wesley defied the strength of angry mobs and long withstanding traditions to offer the hope of Christ to millions of people who were outside the influence of the churches of the day. Passionate and tireless, this Anglican clergyman rode a quarter of a million miles on horseback during his lifetime, stopping to preach more than forty thousand sermons in open fields, churches, and barns.   Focused on God's love and holy living, the movement Wesley founded quickly multiplied in vibrant Methodist societies all over England and would soon influence far-flung nations for Christ....
$799 $899
Samuel Zwemer: The Burden of Arabia by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Sam felt his heart thumping as the two Bedouin men walked toward him. The men's menacing spears were pulled back over their shoulders, ready to thrust at Sam at any moment. From the grim look on their faces, the men seemed intent on killing someone.  The spiritual needs of the Muslim world, long neglected by Christian missionaries, came to the world's attention again when Samuel Zwemer dedicated himself to the advancement of the gospel in Arabia. It was a tremendous task, but a pledge the young American kept despite opposition, difficulty, and death. Zwemer founded the Arabian Mission in Bahrain to serve Muslims through medical...
$799 $899
Elisabeth Elliot: Joyful Surrender by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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This was one of the best and worst days of her life as Betty watched her daughter’s little blonde head bobbing up and down in the backpack chair ahead of her. Betty was excited that finally, after so much prayer, effort, and sacrifice, they were headed to an Auca settlement. Since she was young, Elisabeth Elliot had been intrigued by missionaries who gave up so much to tell others about God’s love. With a passion to translate the Bible into new languages, she followed God’s call to work among tribes in Ecuador, including the Waorani (Auca), who had killed her husband and four others. Elisabeth kept a detailed...
$799 $899
Paul Brand: Helping Hands by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Watching his father perform medical procedures back in India had convinced Paul that medicine was about blood and guts and ulcers. To his amazement, he found that it was really about causes and cures, alleviating pain, and treating ill people with dignity. The son of missionary parents, Paul Brand, did not plan on becoming a doctor: After training as a builder, he was called by God into medicine and spent a lifetime treating leprosy and restoring hope to thousands of sufferers. Dr. Paul Brand became the first surgeon in the world to use reconstructive surgery to correct the deformities of leprosy in the hands and feet....
$799 $899
D. L. Moody: Bringing Souls to Christ by Janet & Geoff Benge -10%
D.L. stood his ground against the angry father. "I broke the jug and poured out the whiskey for the good of yourself and your family," he said. "If I am to be thrashed, let me pray for you all before you do that." Seventeen-year-old Dwight Lyman Moody changed his name, moved to Boston, and began pursuing dreams of becoming a wealthy businessman. But God had other plans for him. Instead of business, evangelism would be his life's work. D.L. devoted his life to proclaiming the gospel, serving the poor, and mentoring fellow ministers. A leader of great vision, D.L. Moody served his fellow man through Civil War outreach, his Sunday...
$899 $999
C. T. Studd: No Retreat by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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C.T. and his companion were lost in the African jungle. All the warnings other had given the two missionaries rushed into C.T.'s mind. He had the uneasy sensation of being watched. C.T. shivered as he stared into the dense foliage surrounding him. He was exposed on all sides, clearly visible to anything or anyone concealed in the jungle. (1860-1931) Endowed with rare determination and a wry sense of humor, C.T. Studd unceasingly pursued a life devoted to God. A star English cricket player in his youth, C.T. did nothing halfway. When challenged by near tragedy and the words of an atheist, the wealthy young man became a missionary of...
$799 $899
Lillian Trasher: The Greatest Wonder in Egypt by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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"Do you mean to say you have no food for tomorrow?" the Egyptian man sputtered. "Well, yes," Lillian replied. The man exclaimed, "How awful! Will you be able to sleep tonight?" One of the orphan girls laughed our loud and said, "Why, Mama never has any food for tomorrow, and she never loses sleep over it!" When Lillian Trasher founded Egypt's first orphanage, others thought that a lone American woman with no means of support would surely be killed or starve to death. But Lillian - certain of God's guidance - stood by her earlier promise to Him, "If ever I can do anything for You, just let me know - and I'll do it." In the midst of...
$799 $899
Rachel Saint: A Star in the Jungle by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Aboard the Aquitania, Rachel became aware of something strange happening to her. It was as if she were not on the deck of the ship anymore but was instead in a jungle clearing, looking at a group of brown-skinned, half-naked people. The people beckoned for her to come. Suddenly the scene vanished, and Rachel fell to her knees and prayed. When young Rachel Saint surrendered her life to God, she began an unimaginable journey that would span decades and radically transform a dying culture steeped in revenge. Against all odds, God would lead her to Ecuador's Waorani Indians - known as Aucas, or savages, and infamous for murder. Despite...
$799 $899