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Vance Havner was a unique servant of God whose spoken ministry spanned over seventy years and whose written ministry extended to almost forty books. Dr. Havner was fond of saying that the preacher's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, and you will find plenty of both in these pages. Warren Wiersbe once said, “Vance Havner is imitated but he will never be duplicated." Michael Catt, Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, concurs: “There was no one like Vance Havner. His preaching style was unique, powerful, and pointed. He was a master at turning a phrase, using humor to set up a point, and...
$999 $1199
Affectionately Yours: Daily Meditations from the Letters of John Wesley -4%
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Meditations for every day of the year from the letters of John Wesley, compiled by Alice Russie. For half a century John Wesley advised the Methodists on such matters as marriage, health, spiritual formation, education, employment, and finances. Thus, the Methodists were instructed, encouraged, and directed by timeless wisdom, rooted in God's Word and good comment sense. May Wesley's words of faith and love excite each reader's heart to year for, to ask, and to receive of God, that same faith and piety. If Wesley’s journal and diary were his accountability, and his sermons were his theology, then his letters were his spiritual...
$2399 $2499
The Mystery of Godliness by W. Ian Thomas -8%
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We all yearn for a closer walk with Christ. We desire more of him. We stretch out our hands to God, and often we believe he is distant, inaccessible and even mysterious. The Mystery of Godliness: Experiencing Christ in Us demystifies the notion that God is invisible and resides in a place beyond our spiritual reach. Thomas teaches that Christ is available to us to the degree we are available to Christ. Through faith, we can experience Christ's activity in us and draw nearer to him. About the Author W. Ian Thomas was born in London, England. At the age of twelve, he was invited by a friend to spend a week at a Christian camp for boys...
$1199 $1299
Truth and Error by Horatius Bonar -29%
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We live in a day when the claim to offer truth and expose error is met with hostility. There is a reigning cultural insistence that all truth can be reduced to mere “personal” truths. Many in our churches sink into the sands of relativism, which chafe at the bedrock of “the faith once for all delivered” (Jude 3). What can a 19th century Scottish minister possibly offer to such a postmodern ethos? Pontius Pilate, during the interrogation of Jesus, uttered: “What is truth?” (John 18:38). Truth has always spread its light through a dark fog of error and ignorance in which the light is not easily perceived or readily received, so that...
$499 $699
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Do you know someone who has recently come to faith in Christ and needs a roadmap to guide them on the journey of discipleship? Do you yourself need a refresher course on the basics, as well as the more advanced truths, of the Christian faith? I can't think of a better book than Ezra Byer's new release, What Kind of God Do I Serve? As Keith Drury says, it's a masterful job. The book is immensely practical. What you'll really love about it, though, is that it's so thorough without being tedious. It's wide-ranging and yet very succinct. Pastors will small group leaders will find it to be a great resource. I highly recommend it....
Ten Girls Who Changed the World by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you like to change your world? These ten girls did! Isobel Kuhn believed in God and then obeyed his call to travel to Asia to tell the Lisu people about God. Mary Slessor put herself through evening classes and eventually became one of the first white women to venture into the interior of Africa. Joni Eareckson struggled through her treatment and endless hospital visits to become the inspiration to many Christians. Corrie Ten Boom spent most of her life just living in Holland until the Nazis started killing the Jews. Corrie Ten Boom put her life on the line to save the lives of many Jews in the hiding place, a hidden room behind...
$799 $899
Ten Boys Who Changed the World by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you like to change your world? These ten boys grew up to do just that! George Muller was a thief when he was younger and spent time in jail for his crimes. Brother Andrew grew up in Holland during the second World War and played tricks on German soldiers. Nicky Cruz grew up in a family where spirit worship was a regular occurrence. He became a very angry young man, out to cause trouble. John Newton was captured at a young age and forced to join Her Majesty's Navy, leaving his friends and family behind. What happened to these young boys and how did God make them into men who changed their world? Read how George Muller...
$799 $899
Ten Boys Who Made a Difference by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you like to make a difference? These ten boys grew up to do just that. How did God change them? Augustine discovered the love of God and changed the way we think; Knox focused on God's word and told his country the truth; Luther rediscovered God's truth and gave it to ordinary people; Calvin realized that salvation was a gift from God and not a reward for what he did; Tyndale longed to print the Bible in a language that everyone would understand; Latimer urged people to read the Bible for themselves and made enemies as a result; Hus taught that God is in charge of the church and the world; Zwingli challenged people to obey God's...
$799 $899
Ten Girls Who Made a Difference by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you like to make a difference? These ten girls grew up to do just that. Susanna's children changed their country; Monica's son changed the church; Ann's romance taught Burma about the love of Christ; Edith was used by God to change a continent; Katherine escaped from oppression and changed her world; Susannah listened to a preacher and then published the gospel herself; Maria lost her parents but found China; Sabina was imprisoned for her faith and then fought to set other Christians free; Ruth began her life in China but eventually God took her in a mission round the world. Read about all ten: Susanna...
$799 $899
Ten Boys Who Didn't Give In by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you give in or would you resist? These ten boys grew up to become men who didn't give in. They chose to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. Polycarp was a slave but gave up freedom for Christ. Alban was in danger but did not bow to false gods. John Oldcastle's home was a hideout, but he would not hide his faith. Cranmer was afraid of death but showed courage. George Wishart was in prison but preached Jesus. James Chalmers brought the Bible to cannibals despite the danger. Dietrich Bonhoeffer feared death but would not be silent. Nate Saint flew into danger but knew it was worth it. Ivan Moiseyev obeyed the army but...
$799 $899
Ten Girls Who Didn't Give In by Irene Howat -11%
These ten girls grew up to become women who didn't give in. Living as a Christian was difficult. They chose to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. Would you give in or would you resist? In a world where we give in too easily - be inspired by those who didn't! Blandina became a Christian and then a martyr. Perpetua had to give up her child before dying in the amphitheater. Lady Jane Grey did as she was told, but would not deny Jesus. Anne Askew lost her home but never lost her faith. Lysken Dirks loved her husband but loved Jesus first. Marion Harvey discovered Christ, and followed him to her death. Margaret Wilson was...
$799 $899
Go a Little Further by Joan Thomas -7%
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Part biography, part history, and packed full of the stories about individuals and countries impacted by Ian Thomas and the Torchbearers ministry, Go A Little Further is the story of seeming small "happenings" - little pieces of God's much bigger plan to bring people to himself and to display his glory.
$1299 $1399
Sticky Faith by Dr. Kara E. Powell and Dr. Chap Clark -13%
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Nearly every Christian parent in America would give anything to find a viable resource for developing within their kids a deep, dynamic faith that "sticks" long term. Sticky Faith delivers. Research shows that almost half of graduating high school seniors struggle deeply with their faith. Recognizing the ramifications of that statistic, the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) conducted the “College Transition Project” in an effort to identify the relationships and best practices that can set young people on a trajectory of lifelong faith and service. Based on FYI findings, this easy-to-read guide presents both a compelling...
$1299 $1499
Klaus-Dieter John: Hope in the Land of the Incas by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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It was totally dark. The lights in the city were turned off, and there were no street lamps, no neon signs, and no extra glow in shop windows. Klaus noticed that theirs was the only car on the road. How would they slip by the checkpoint? Klaus glanced at his wife Tina, whose eyes were shut in prayer. Suddenly he heard a thunderous crash, then saw a bright flash of light. Klaus-Dieter John dreamed of becoming a medical missionary in the developing world. He would do whatever it took -- study in top universities and practice surgery in remote and dangerous places -- to reach his goal of providing health care for people who needed it...
$799 $899
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Read the AMAZING biography of the author of My Utmost for His Highest . Oswald Chambers was born in Scotland and spent much of his boyhood there. His ministry of teaching and preaching took him for a time to the United States and Japan. The last six years of his life were spent as principal of the Bible Training College in London, and as chaplain to British Commonwealth troops in Egypt during World War I. After his death, at age 43, the books that bear his name were compiled by his wife from her own verbatim shorthand notes of his talks.
$1799 $1899
Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard -21%
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Newly Republished by Kingsley Press! This is an incredible biography! Preparing this book for republication has been a challenging and inspiring experience. From the day of her conversion Mrs. Penn-Lewis seems to have determined to possess in actual experience everything that Christ's finished work purchased for her, and she was rewarded with an extraordinary fullness of God's Spirit in her life. She also triumphed over physical weakness and defied many predictions from her doctors of an early grave. "All that I have, all that I am, all that I may be is Thine, wholly, absolutely, and unreservedly," wrote Jessie Penn-Lewis on her...
$1099 $1399
Destined for the Throne by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
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"Every Christian should study this book prayerfully and apply its principles to life," writes Billy Graham in the foreword to this classic work on prayer. Revealing profound truths about the church and her unique part in the kingdom of God, this book continues to amaze believers more than thirty-five years after its first publication. Its down-to-earth style and biblical inisights provide the reader with a rare glimpse into the eternal plan of God to provide a bride--a reigning companion--for his Son. Inspiriing, challenging, and often surprising, this book will transform how you view your relationship with the heavenly...
$1399 $1499
Don't Waste Your Sorrows by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
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God's sometimes surprising tools for maturing and training his church are clearly explained in this eye-opening discussion on the role of suffering in a Christian's life. You will be amazed at the depth of spiritual growth possible for those who continue to trust God during life's difficulties. Knowing that God has planned for you to benefit from this sorrow, you can learn to respond in a brand new way--not seeing it as a punishment or interruption but as an opportunity to grow into your unique role as Christ's eternal bride. So don't waste your sorrows... embrace them with an attitude that will ensure they...
$1299 $1399
Destined to Overcome by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
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Are you tired of trying to battle Satan in your own strength? Learning to rely on God's strength, not your own, is the key to spiritual victory. This practical handbook, written by a veteran soldier in God's army, will help you recognize Satan's strategies and the weapons you have available through Christ to defeat him. With more than 100,000 copies sold since its original publication, this class on spiritual warfare will show you how to use your God-given resources with authority and power. Don't let the enemy of your soul have his way. Fight back, and discover the joy of overcoming through the One who conquered all!
$1299 $1399
If I Perish, I Perish by Major W. Ian Thomas -10%
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"Appropriation of the victory of Christ demands more than just one act of faith--it requires an attitude of faith. It is a moment-by-moment reckoning, and your reckoning for this moment is never adequate for the next." W. Ian Thomas' If I Perish, I Perish examines the Christian life through the lens of an allegorical interpretation of the Old Testament book of Esther. The character of Esther, representative of the human spirit, depicts that the call of the Lord Jesus on the Christian is to be crucified with Christ and become alive in the Spirit. About the Author W. Ian Thomas was born in London, England. At twelve years of age he...
$899 $999