Companion to Volume 1. A few titles are: "Prayer Power," "Answers That Cost," "Waiting a Proof of Our Faith," "When Prayer is a Cry." These two books have been widely used to stir many Christians to the tremendous power and privilege associated with prayer.
This second volume contains a further 60 two-page readings on the subject of prayer. The readings are similar to those in the former volume, in that they are not a "how to pray" manual, but rather stimulate the reader to the tremendous opportunities available through prayer. The compilations are from godly men and women of the past.
In their foreword, the authors write:
"Like many other Christian workers who have been anxious to be successful in labor for God, we have been forced to the conclusion that the Holy Spirit alone can effect lasting results. During these past years of heart-searching study, we have gathered together similar conclusions from many God-honored ministers and missionaries who have discovered the secret that the Holy Spirit comes to our aid when, wearied with self-effort, we ask, seek, and knock. We long very much to share with God's children some of these readings and to spread them as widely as possible."
The quotation by Robert Murray McCheyne from the back cover reads:
"Study universal holiness of life. Your whole usefulness depends on this, for your sermons last but an hour or two; your life preaches all the week. If Satan can only make a covetous minister, a lover of praise, of pleasure, of good eating, he has ruined your ministry. Give yourself to prayer, and get your texts, your thoughts, your words from God. Luther spent his best three hours in prayer."