
Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard

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Newly Republished by Kingsley Press!

This is an incredible biography! Preparing this book for republication has been a challenging and inspiring experience. From the day of her conversion Mrs. Penn-Lewis seems to have determined to possess in actual experience everything that Christ's finished work purchased for her, and she was rewarded with an extraordinary fullness of God's Spirit in her life. She also triumphed over physical weakness and defied many predictions from her doctors of an early grave.

"All that I have, all that I am, all that I may be is Thine, wholly, absolutely, and unreservedly," wrote Jessie Penn-Lewis on her twenty-third birthday, "and I do believe that Thou dost take me, and that Thou wilt work in me to will and to do Thy good pleasure. Day by day draw me nearer." Some time later she received a tremendous baptism with the Holy Spirit and became mightily used of God in spreading the message of full deliverance from the self-life through the power of Christ's cross. "Calvary precedes Pentecost," she wrote. "Death with Christ precedes the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Power! Yes, God's children need power, but God does not give power to the old creation, or to the uncrucified soul.... Satan will give power to the 'Old Adam,' but God will not."

Armed with this message of complete deliverance from the bondage of the self-life, Mrs. Penn-Lewis traveled to Russia, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Canada, the USA and India. She was also a frequent speaker at large conferences for the deepening of spiritual life such as those at Mildmay, Keswick and Llandrindod Wells. She also founded the Overcomer magazine in 1908, a serious journal on the pursuit of the deeper Christian life. Her life became linked with some of the spiritual giants of her day, including D. L. Moody and Andrew Murray, as well as F. B. Meyer, whom she considered “an old friend.”

"Your Cross of Calvary is preeminently of God," wrote Oswald Chamber. "The splendid treasure of pain, your pain, has merged into the greatness of God's power. Your book teaches clearly and grandly what the Spirit witnesses to in the Bible and in our hearts, viz: that 'the Way of God' flatly contradicts common sense, and by implicit trust the Holy Ghost leads to resurrection triumph."

"Truly prophetic were the words of Mrs.Penn-Lewis...as she spoke of 'the conviction growing in many hearts that the Holy Spirit is bidding the messengers of God go back to Calvary.'" --Andrew Murray

"...one of the most gifted speakers the world has known!" --R. A. Torrey

As with all titles published by Kingsley Press, this book is also available as an eBook for Kindle, iBooks, Nook and Kobo.

Sample Material:

Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard: Foreword to First Edition
Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard: Foreword to Second Edition
Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard: Introduction
Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard: Selected Quotations


Mary N. Garrard


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