
God's First Words by G. D. Watson

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God's First Words by G. D. Watson
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Subtitled "Studies in Genesis, Historic, Prophetic and Experimental," this overview of the first book of the Bible shows that the first words contained in Genesis are enlarged and unfolded in a great many different directions and applications throughout the rest of the Bible, but the words themselves are never changed and they are never any more perfect in the last book in the Bible than they are in the first.

"In the beginning God" (Genesis 1:1). No other book in the universe could ever begin like this except it were the book of God. These first words in the Bible prove that the book has a divine author; that it is not an invention of the human mind, for the very first expression is of such a character as to put it beyond all the thinking of the natural mind. There is no attempt to prove the existence of God, there is no prelude, but out from the vast eternity comes the simple, sublime expression that God was at the beginning.


G. D. Watson


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This book is a WONDERFUL tool for both understanding the first, basic message of Genesis and for understanding its more everlasting and practical messages. The Bible is truly and only effective as we are doers of the Word, and not hearers only. Reading this book can definitely develop your heart / behaviour to hear and obey His Word. God's First Words (as Mr. Watson rightly highlights the Book of Genesis) is a brief but Scripturally accurate walk through some of the major teaching, lessons and prophetic messages of Genesis. A family or small group could easily use this book as a devotional or study guide. I urge you to buy it, and buy some other copies to give to friends, family and people in your church.