Featured Authors

Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn -53%
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Who wants to settle for fleeting treasures on earth...when God offers everlasting treasures in heaven? It's time to rethink our perspectives on money and possessions. In this thoroughly researched and extensively updated classic, Randy Alcorn shows us how to view them accurately - as God's provision for our good, the good of others, and His glory. This practical and refreshing theology of money contains topical and Scripture indexes, a study guide, and five helpful appendices. What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about...
$699 $1499
Onesimus is a slave. Eirene is a rich merchant's daughter. Onesimus longs to gain his freedom and Eirene's love. However, he doesn't realize where true freedom lies. He wants nothing to do with Jesus Christ. His master, Philemon, may follow the teachings of the Christ and His apostle Paul...but Onesimus has other plans.
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Prepare Yourself for a Sharper Focus Recognize that every day you can find new opportunities to know the Lord and to make HIm known. Since that is really the one goal every believer should embrace, you must learn how to be more effect in achieving it. PREPARING. When opportunity knocks at the door it is too late to prepare. God invites you to enroll in HIs school and learning His ways. DISCERNING. If you are diligent, you can acquire knowledge and wisdom in your daily walk, but discernment is imparted as you come to know Him intimately. You have already discovered that each time you face opportunity, if...
Patricia St. John: The Story Behind the Stories by Irene Howat -14%
Patricia St. John's life is a story in itself but she grew up to become one of the world's best-loved Christian writers for children. After almost being born in the middle of a storm on the Bay of Biscay it was no surprise to see Patricia's life take twists and turns along the way. She had an adventurous spirit so when the bombs fell during the blitz in London there she was, working as a nurse! When looking after 30 children in a boarding school as housemother her exciting bedtime stories kept the children up! They were later to became her classic stories, Tanglewood's Secret and Treasures of the Snow! Your...
$599 $699
Life Everlasting by Patricia St. John -17%
Formerly published as A Missionary Muses on the Creed Patricia St. John was not a typical girl from her earliest days in her life was different to say the least! She was almost born in a storm in Biscay. Her Father decided to change his job - and so the whole family left for Switzerland. Patricia back in Britain as the bombs fell on London during the second world war. As a young nurse, in the middle of mayhem, her heart ached for an answer to the question'why?' She found satisfying answers in her Bible. You would think, after all that, she would have opted for a little bit of peace and quiet - but no! She left the security of...
$999 $1199
The Safe Place by Patricia St. John -10%
The farm is on fire and there is very little that the farmer or his family can do. The children watch as the barn is engulfed in flames. Thankfully the fire engine arrives in time to save the house and slowly but surely the family tries to get back to normal. But when the farmer is going over the damage he can't find the little white hen anywhere. Where could she be? A search through the burnt buildings soon brings to light the scorched remains of the little white hen-- but there is new life and new hope. The little white hen has died but she has given her life to save the lives of her brood of tiny yellow chickens. An ideal...
$899 $999
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Questions... One thing unique about mankind is his intense search for understanding. It is not surprising that each child beings asking WHY almost as soon as he can speak. It should not surprise us that there are 3,294 questions in the Bible and that God delights in giving us answers. But He offers these solutions quite differently than we might expect. Jeremiah reminds us that the wise man does not gain understanding by seeking wisdom; rather by KNOWING THE LORD... he receives answers to his questions. As you journey through the lessons in this book, you will recognize again and again that we have one priority: we are...
Our Own God by G. D. Watson -9%
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A most inspiring work dealing with the character of God in such a way as to make one long to know Him more intimately, to love Him more ardently, and to serve Him more unreservedly. The opening statement, "God is our nearest relative," sums up the spirit breathed through this spiritual classic. Someone has described the book this way: "No book we have ever read has given us such a sense of God's fatherly love and of His minute interest in the life of each of us. Usually a book about God is a theological treatise couched in language not too easy to comprehend, but this is written experimentally by a man who has pressed into deeper...
$999 $1099
Pure Gold by G. D. Watson -8%
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The title for this book is taken from the first chapter. The subjects dealt with in the other 19 chapters are unrelated, but each is full of the spiritual wisdom and inspiration so characteristic of Watson's spiritual writings. Some chapter titles are: "How to Die to Self," "Learning Spiritual Lessons," "Blessed Poverty," "The Dangers of Prosperity," "Human Religion."
$1099 $1199
Tribulation Worketh by G. D. Watson -13%
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Tribulation Worketh is a collection of chapters from the writings of G. D. Watson explaining God's loving and purposeful chastening in the lives of His choicest saints. This is an important book for the present day, when the unscriptural concept that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings success, prosperity, health and wealth is being promoted far and wide. Watson writes: "There is nothing on earth more ruinous than uninterrupted prosperity.... There is a danger not only in outward prosperity of health and finance and social standing, but the principle is just as true when applied to religious experience; that is, having no...
$699 $799
The Conquest of Canaan by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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The author writes: "My purpose was only to give a bird's-eye view of the battlefield of conflict, as depicted in the story of Israel's war with Canaan. As this book contains light on the warfare with the powers of darkness which may be of service to the Lord's people at this time, I send it forth with its imperfections, looking to the Spirit of God to give truth to those who need it." Paperback. 108 pages.
$599 $699
The Cross the Touchstone of Faith by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
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Faith must obviously have something solid to rest on, and God in His mercy has provided for this need. He gave His Son to die on the cross, and then raised Him from the dead so that as well as giving us life through Him, and countless blessings, our weaknesses and divisions from other believers might be healed. Only in this way can the vital work of bringing others out of darkness into light be accomplished; and only in this way can Satan have taken from him the means of hindering the unity and effective witness of Christians in the world. Paperback. 86 pages.
$799 $899
Dying to Live by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
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Dying to Live has four short chapters of contrasting style dealing with the relationship of Christ's death to the life of the Christian believer.The Christian who affirms "I have been crucified with Christ" has found the way that brings: Freedom from sin and self Transformation to his life, both internally and externally Total surrender to God Identification with Christ's death on the cross The book speaks to the individual in a personal way of the ongoing implications of Christ's cross for the Christian and declares (chapter 4) "It is God's plan that He must be allowed to work into the lives of His...
$799 $899
Power for Service by Jessie Penn-Lewis -17%
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May every believer be willing to be led by the Spirit of God into the fullest surrender to His will, that no cost may be counted too dear to perpetually lay hold of such an enduement of power as will have its outlet in a life of maintained victory and a perpetual warfare on sin and Satan, for the liberation of captive souls to the glory of the Redeemer's name. Paperback. 94 pages.
$499 $599
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A Review of the Doctrines of Universal Restoration, Annihilation, and Punishment.
The Ishbane Conspiracy by Randy Alcorn -53%
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Jillian is picture-perfect on the outside, but terrified of getting hurt on the inside. Brittany is a tough girl who trusts almost no one. Ian is a successful athlete who dabbles in the occult. And Rob is a former gang-banger who struggles with guilt, pain, and a newfound faith in God. These four college students will face the ultimate battle between good and evil in a single year. As spiritual warfare rages around them, a dramatic demonic correspondence takes place. Readers can eavesdrop on the enemy, and learn to stave off their own defeat, by reading The Ishbane Conspiracy.
$699 $1499
Deception by Randy Alcorn -53%
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“Messin’ with me’s like wearin’ cheese underwear down rat alley.” -Ollie Chandler Homicide detective Ollie Chandler has seen it all. Done more than he cares to admit. But when he’s called to investigate the murder of a Portland State University professor, he finds himself going places he’s never gone before. Places he never wanted to go. Because all the evidence is pointing to one horrific conclusion: The murderer is someone in his own department. That’s not the worst of it, though. Ollie has nagging doubts…about himself. Where was  he during the time of the murder?...
$699 $1499
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The author declares that if we really believed that God in His Word teaches the eternal doom of the sinner we would be much more in earnest for the salvation of souls. Our zeal doesn't make the facts more true, nor does our apathy lessen the awfulness of the sinner's future. But our apathy, our living as if we did not really believe these things, will make the sinner more careless also, and thus we contribute to the sinner's present condition and future perdition.
The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel by G. H. Lang -5%
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The author offers some great insights on the book of Daniel that you should not miss. His interest in prophecy began when he was a teenager and deepened ever after. The chapters of this book present the results of many years of study. The histories as well as the prophecies are ably dealt with.
$1999 $2099
Pictures and Parables by G. H. Lang -5%
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Here you will find a masterpiece on the pictures and parables found in the Bible (mostly the New Testament). If you want to delve a little deeper, uncover hidden meaning, and study the pictures and parables in their proper setting and context, this book will help you immensely toward that goal. Especially if you are a preacher or Sunday school teacher, you'll find this volume is a veritable goldmine.
$2099 $2199
Hebrews by G. H. Lang -5%
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The author says, "This book has been written with the hope that it may help the general reader to grasp the arguments of the Epistle and to feel their force. " Overall this is an excellent commentary for the average person. Those seeking more scholarly works will turn to Alford, Delitzsch, Govett, or others.   G. H. Lang was born November 20, 1874 in London, England. He died at Wimborne, Dorset, England October 20, 1958. He was saved at a young age when he was seven and a half years old. His writings include fourteen major books and innumerable booklets. He once said, "No man should write a book until he...
$2099 $2199
Dominion by Randy Alcorn -53%
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A shocking murder drags black newspaper columnist Clarence Abernathy into the disorienting world of inner-city gangs and racial conflict. In a desperate hunt for answers to the violence (and to his own struggles with race and faith), Clarence forges an unlikely partnership with redneck detective Ollie Chandler. Despite their differences, Clarence and Ollie soon find themselves sharing the same mission: victory over the forces of darkness vying for dominion.  Filled with insight -and with characters so real you’ll never forget them -  Dominion  is a dramatic story of spiritual searching, racial reconciliation, and...
$699 $1499
Royal Counsel by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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Thirty one daily readings which challenge to deeper Bible study. The authors' lives were revolutionized as they prepared this book; it may do the same for you! While preparing this book for publication, the authors were so inspired by how much godly men and women attributed to their daily reading of the Bible that it completely revolutionized their study of God's Word. In reading its pages you, too, will gain a new sense of the importance of the Scriptures in your Christian life. Royal Counsel contains 31 two-page readings - perfect as a daily devotional for one month.
$799 $899
Soul Sculpture by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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The influence radiating from the home is a deciding factor in the destiny of your child. A mother writes: "If only I had been handed Soul Sculpture when my child was small, how different her life might have been." A must for parents and would-be parents, for it reminds them of the tremendous potentiality of a soul entrusted to their care, and the responsibility of helping to shape it for eternity. This book is packed with challenging quotations in poetry and prose, and recommended by pastors and Christian workers as material for lectures and programs. "While walking around a garden one day, a child was asked...
$1099 $1199
Soul Food by G. D. Watson -8%
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The writings of G. D. Watson continue to bring enlightenment and spiritual help to Christians from all walks of life. Each chapter of Soul Food brings instruction and inspiration on a particular truth. The subjects covered are wide ranging, as can be seen from the following selection of chapter titles: "Loaded Words," "Lukewarmness," "Feeding Our Faith," "The Benefit of Deep Crucifixion," "Fretting Over Ourselves," "Little Things," "Alone with God," "Climax of Sorrow," and others. Here is a short excerpt from the first chapter: "Faith is the...
$1099 $1199
White Robes by G. D. Watson -8%
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Read the pages of this book with an open heart and a teachable spirit; spiritual enlightenment, enrichment and challenge are guaranteed! Many of the chapters are short--perhaps two or three pages--making it equally as beneficial to those who have little time as to those who have more. A few chapter titles are: "Obstructions to Growth," "Purified - But How Far?" "I Don't Feel," "A Holy Taste," "Martyrs of the Holy Ghost," and "If Any Man Sin." A short sketch of the author's life is also included.
$1099 $1199
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It was several "small," respectable sins - subtle manifestations of unbelief - that kept the children of Israel out of the promised land. Those same easily hidden sins of murmuring, pride, jealousy, spiritual depression, impatience, and so on, will also keep us out of the spiritual rest that is God's provision for all His believing children. Though we gloss over them and explain them away to ourselves and other people, they will prove an insuperable barrier to our entry into our spiritual Canaan. What is the remedy? Find out by reading this booklet. Read a sample page: Murmuring: the Sin of the People
The Secret at Pheasant Cottage by Patricia St. John -14%
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Lucy has lived with her grandparents at Pheasant Cottage since she was a little girl, but she has dim memories of someone else. Who was it? What are her grandparents hiding from her? Lucy is determined to find the answers but it turns out to be harder than she expected.
$599 $699
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Deeply in touch with God, Lilias Trotter was also deeply in touch with nature and endued with a tremendous gift for drawing spiritual lessons from the natural world. She was also an exquisite artist. All these qualities combine in this classic volume on the Christ life. Like Parables of the Cross, this is a republication of her original work complete with full color renderings of her unusual paintings. Read a quotation from Parables of the Christ Life
$699 $799
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NOTE: THIS IS NOW A PAPERBACK. The hardback version went out of print and the publishers have replaced it with this paperback version. It's not known whether it will ever come back as a hardback. This paperback is very nicely produced. Reflections of Faith in the Art and Writings of Lilias Trotter. Lovers of Lilias Trotter's works will welcome this gift book style hardback collection of writings and paintings drawn together by the skillful hands of Miriam Huffman Rockness. A Blossom in the Desert is truly a book that belongs on your coffee table, to give you encouragement time and again as you ponder Lilias' challenges and how...
A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter -5%
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By Miriam Huffman Rockness (Check out the author's blog about Miss Trotter and her art at: http://ililiastrotter.wordpress.com ) This is the story of the woman whose life of faith and devotion inspired the hymn "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." Although art critic John Ruskin enthusiastically proclaimed Lilias Trotter's potential as one of the best artists of the nineteenth century, her devotion to Christ compelled her to abandon the life of art, privilege, and leisure she could have enjoyed. Without knowing the language and without the sponsorship of any organization, Lilias left her London home of comfort for a modest...
$1899 $1999
Molded By the Cross by J. C. Metcalfe -14%
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This biography of Jessie Penn-Lewis is smaller than the original one by Mary Garrard. The author, J. C. Metcalfe, states that the purpose of this spiritual biography is to give her modern day readers, who know little about her, a picture of the way God dealt with and poured life through His servant--life which still flows today. Those interested in the life of Mrs. Penn-Lews should also consider Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard, the original, unabridged biography republished by Kingsley Press.
$599 $699
The Climax of the Risen Life by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
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Jessie Penn-Lewis gives clear and valuable instruction on the various aspects of the believer's identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. All Christians who cry with the Apostle Paul, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection...being made conformable unto His death," will find help from a careful consideration of these pages. Paperback. 104 pages.
$799 $899
Spiritual Warfare by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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In Jessie Penn-Lewis, we hear the voice of a veteran in the everyday conflict with "powers and principalities." Her remarkable insights on prayer warfare are thoroughly Biblical and intensely practical. By applying the principles of spiritual battle to the common issues of personal prayer and the daily Christian walk, Penn-Lewis answers many relevant questions, such as: How do you define true guidance? How long should we keep asking for the same thing? How can we be sure we are obeying God only? Paperback. 87 pages.
$599 $699
Patricia St. John Tells Her Own Story -17%
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Formerly published in the United States with the title: An Ordinary Woman's Extraordinary Faith Anyone who has read Patricia St. John's books already knows how her stories come alive, and this account of her own life is no exception. Her powers of description make the story leap from the page and the reader is transported to far off places and times; and the people and the things she describes can almost be touched, smelled and seen. Patricia was not just a gifted story-teller, though; she was also a deeply committed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose spiritual journey began when she was only six years old. 'My name...
$999 $1199
God's First Words by G. D. Watson -10%
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Subtitled "Studies in Genesis, Historic, Prophetic and Experimental," this overview of the first book of the Bible shows that the first words contained in Genesis are enlarged and unfolded in a great many different directions and applications throughout the rest of the Bible, but the words themselves are never changed and they are never any more perfect in the last book in the Bible than they are in the first. "In the beginning God" (Genesis 1:1). No other book in the universe could ever begin like this except it were the book of God. These first words in the Bible prove that the book has a divine author; that it is not an invention of...
$899 $999
The Cross of Calvary by Jessie Penn-Lewis -10%
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The Cross Of Calvary is a stirring study for the maturing Christian and has been described as a classic work of its kind on the Atonement. Chapters include: The Cross and the Law, The Cross and the Living Christ, The Cross and the Holy Spirit, etc. In a personal letter to Jessie Penn-Lewis about this book, Oswald Chambers wrote: "Your Cross of Calvary is pre-eminently of God. The splendid treasure of pain, your pain, has merged into the greatness of God’s power. Your book teaches clearly and grandly what the Spirit witnesses to in the Bible and in our hearts, viz: that 'the way of God' flatly contradicts common sense, and by...
$899 $999
Larger Window by Devern Fromke -7%
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This selection of amazing stories will demonstrate how God can move each of us from being objects of grace, mercy and peace to BECOME channels and models to bless others. While the stories are both entertaining and challenging, the author has one definite goal: to move each of us from our pre-occupation with what we can get from God, to what He will get as we become wholly alive unto Him for fulfilling His purpose. Many of the author's earlier books have focused on growth and spiritual maturity; this selection of stories is specifically designed to capture the interest and emotions of those who are beginning their Christian walk. This...
$699 $750
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Unto Full Stature is an amazingly gripping book dealing with Christian growth and maturity from a God-centered perspective. This book is progressive in nature, and eminently practical. Anyone who yearns for greater spiritual maturity will find this book to be a fountain of blessing, enlightenment, and challenge. Beginning with the need to gain a God-given perspective and vision, the author proceeds to show that full stature is not something we should postpone until some unknown future, but something that we should be enjoying now. He then proceeds to show that this maturity and growth can only be achieved in co-operation with...
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Father is looking for those who will stand with Him; who are available; who will stand in the gap; who will listen; who have a single eye; who bear his image. It is tragic that so many folk are drifting and not clearly aligned to any purpose or goal for their lives. God has uniquely designed each of us by lacing a sense of "eternity in our hearts." It is that deep inner sense that cries out for ultimate meaning, "Why am I here? How can I be truly significant? What will most please Father/God?" When Victor Frankl was released from prison following the Nazi Holocaust, he wrote the book, Man's Search for Meaning. He set out to...