Christian Theology and Doctrine

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G. H. Lang's analysis of the new birth is based on the words of Jesus found in John 3:1-21, and particularly verses 3 & 5. He says, "Words with a more direct message it were hard to find, nor were statements more emphatic ever uttered. Christ allows of no exceptions; any and every person who is ever to see the kingdom of God must be the subject of that radical change which is described as a being born from above. He who has not had this birth is outside the kingdom, and must remain so; nor can he even see it, until born anew."
The Grace and Truth Paradox by Randy Alcorn -50%
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Grace or truth...or both? Truth without grace breeds self-righteousness and crushing legalism. Grace without truth breeds deception and moral compromise. Is it possible to embrace both in balance? Jesus did. Randy Alcorn offers a simple yet profound two-point checklist of Christlikeness. "In the end," says Alcorn, "we don't need grace or truth. We need grace and truth. And for people to see Jesus in us, they must see both." 92 pages. Hardback.
$499 $999
Holiness and Power by A. M. Hills -14%
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This book grew out of a burning desire in the author's soul to tell to others what he himself so longed to know a quarter of a century ago. When the truth dawned upon him in all its preciousness, it seemed to him that he could point out the way to receive the desired blessing of the Holy Spirit more fully and plainly than other authors had done. The result of his effort to do so is found in Part 3 of this volume. Those who are convinced that there is such a blessing for them, and are in haste to receive it, may begin to read at Part 3, omitting for the time the first half of the book. There are others who are in doubt about the...
$1199 $1399
Sowing and Reaping by D. L. Moody -17%
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This book contains eight chapters on the subject of sowing and reaping, based on Paul's immortal words in Galatians: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal. 6:7). Inquirers will be enlightened and Christians will be instructed and challenged through reading this book.
$499 $599
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Atoning Blood: What it does and what it does not do. An exposition of the truth of Atonement as taught in Holy Scripture. This is a great little book if you want a better understanding of atoning blood as taught in Scripture. G. H. Lang's masterly treatment is thorough but succinct, a real eye opener.
George Whitefield's Sermons Volume 4 -8%
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This volume is a collection of rare sermons not found in previous collections and for the first time compiled and printed under one cover. Also appended is "Prayers on Several Occasions."
$1099 $1199
Helps to Holiness by Samuel Logan Brengle -14%
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This is without doubt the best known and most loved of Samuel Logan Brengle's eight books. The simplicity, straightforwardness and clarity with which the book deals with the subject of holiness and holy living have caused it to be a blessing to generations of Christians. "If I could," wrote Dennis F. Kinlaw, "I would get every new Christian to devour this book. It would help establish him in the deep things of God. The older believer should read it too. It will take him back to basics. It will rob him of all comfort of life that is less than 'sanctified and meet for the Master's use.'  " The chapters found here originally appeared as...
$599 $699
If there was one message that Tozer consistently preached with passion, it was the crucified life. The Radical Cross is the first collection of his writings to focus specifically on what he had to say about the cross of Jesus Christ. The book contains 31 chapters gleaned from the writings of Tozer, divided into 7 sections: Its Power, Its Price, Its Purpose, Its Pain, Its Provision, Its Paradox, Its Promise. The book also contains a chapter by A. B. Simpson called The Brand of the Cross. The foreword is by Ravi Zacharias.
$999 $1199
Firstborn Sons by G. H. Lang -6%
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Is it worth while to follow Christ? Does not being His disciple involve so great loss and so much persecution and other trouble as to cause reasonable men to ask if it is worth while? Did He not Himself say to His disciples, In the world ye have tribulation? and is it not written all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution? (John 16:33; 2 Tim. 3:12). Is there adequate compensation for such sacrifice and endurance? The following pages give part of the answer to such questions. Only part, however, for there are other recompenses to be allowed weight in giving a complete answer. But the line of thought here followed is...
$1499 $1599
Our Own God by G. D. Watson -9%
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A most inspiring work dealing with the character of God in such a way as to make one long to know Him more intimately, to love Him more ardently, and to serve Him more unreservedly. The opening statement, "God is our nearest relative," sums up the spirit breathed through this spiritual classic. Someone has described the book this way: "No book we have ever read has given us such a sense of God's fatherly love and of His minute interest in the life of each of us. Usually a book about God is a theological treatise couched in language not too easy to comprehend, but this is written experimentally by a man who has pressed into deeper...
$999 $1099
The Cross the Touchstone of Faith by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
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Faith must obviously have something solid to rest on, and God in His mercy has provided for this need. He gave His Son to die on the cross, and then raised Him from the dead so that as well as giving us life through Him, and countless blessings, our weaknesses and divisions from other believers might be healed. Only in this way can the vital work of bringing others out of darkness into light be accomplished; and only in this way can Satan have taken from him the means of hindering the unity and effective witness of Christians in the world. Paperback. 86 pages.
$799 $899
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A Review of the Doctrines of Universal Restoration, Annihilation, and Punishment.
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The author declares that if we really believed that God in His Word teaches the eternal doom of the sinner we would be much more in earnest for the salvation of souls. Our zeal doesn't make the facts more true, nor does our apathy lessen the awfulness of the sinner's future. But our apathy, our living as if we did not really believe these things, will make the sinner more careless also, and thus we contribute to the sinner's present condition and future perdition.
The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel by G. H. Lang -5%
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The author offers some great insights on the book of Daniel that you should not miss. His interest in prophecy began when he was a teenager and deepened ever after. The chapters of this book present the results of many years of study. The histories as well as the prophecies are ably dealt with.
$1999 $2099
Broken Bread by John Wright Follette -8%
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John Wright Follette, a gifted Bible teacher and a dedicated Christian, took three vows - that of chastity, poverty, and obedience. This collection of twenty of sermons together with a number of his unique poems reveal how God honored his faithful servant by endowing him with an unusual perception of spiritual realities. Some of the chapter titles are: "Trouble is a Servant," "Waiting upon God," "The Purpose of Adam's Test," "Deep Calleth Unto Deep," "Emptied from Vessel to Vessel," "Christian Character - a Qualification."
$1199 $1299
Heart Talks on Holiness by Samuel Logan Brengle -17%
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Samuel Logan Brengle's Heart Talks on Holiness was written as a successor to Helps to Holiness and abounds with the same practical insights on holy living as the former volume. The book addresses ordinary Christians in simple, plain language, with the definite goal of helping them experience and enjoy full salvation. Bramwell Booth said of this book, “The glorious experience here described and enforced is the true secret of a life of happiness and usefulness on earth as it is the highest preparation for the life and service of Heaven. That experience is for you.” Samuel Logan Brengle (1860 - 1936) was converted as a youngster. At...
$499 $599
From Eternity to Here by Frank Viola -47%
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Deep within God's Word lies a wondrous story like no other. A drama that originated before time began. An epic saga that resonates with the heartbeat of God. A story that reveals nothing less than the meaning of life and God's great mission in the earth. From Here to Eternity presents three remarkable stories spanning from Genesis to Revelation. Each story traces a divine theme that is woven throughout scripture. Seen together, they offer an extraordinary glimpse into God's highest passion and grand mission. What you discover will forever change your view of life, the church, and our magnificent God.
$799 $1499
Be Ye Holy by Leslie D. Wilcox -20%
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This book thoroughly sets forth the doctrine of holiness as found in the Word of God. It also gives a historical sketch of the holiness movement, beginning with the Wesleyan Revival in the 18th century, through to the modern holiness churches. In addition, the author deals extensively with the rich literary heritage of the holiness movement. 332 pages.
$1199 $1499
The Cross of Calvary by Jessie Penn-Lewis -10%
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The Cross Of Calvary is a stirring study for the maturing Christian and has been described as a classic work of its kind on the Atonement. Chapters include: The Cross and the Law, The Cross and the Living Christ, The Cross and the Holy Spirit, etc. In a personal letter to Jessie Penn-Lewis about this book, Oswald Chambers wrote: "Your Cross of Calvary is pre-eminently of God. The splendid treasure of pain, your pain, has merged into the greatness of God’s power. Your book teaches clearly and grandly what the Spirit witnesses to in the Bible and in our hearts, viz: that 'the way of God' flatly contradicts common sense, and by...
$899 $999