Christian Children's Books

Eric Liddell: Something Greater Than Gold by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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As the race began, it had seemed obvious that Eric Liddell was overmatched. Now the crowd in the Olympic Stadium hushed as this runner from Scotland refused to be passed. As Eric crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in applause heard all over Paris. Eric Liddell had done the impossible A new world record had been set! Eric's refusal earlier that week to run on Sunday in the Olympic 100-meter race had stunned the world. Now his incredible victory in the 400-meter race further strengthened his believe in God's promise, "He who honors Me, I will honor." Years later, Eric Liddell would be tested far beyond mere physical ability as a...
$799 $899
Corrie Ten Boom: Keeper of the Angel's Den by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The harsh lights stung Corrie's blackened eyes as she entered the Gestapo-controlled police station in Haarlem. How true her elderly father's words had been that quiet evening before Hitler's madness descended on Holland: "Germany will invade Holland. We will lose. God help all those in Holland who do not call on His name." Suddenly, Corrie's ordered life was lost in the insanity of war. With bravery and compassion, her family and countless other Dutch citizens risked everything to extend God's hand to those innocents marked for certain execution in a world gone mad.  Corrie ten Boom's life of determination, faith, and...
$799 $899
Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Amy Carmichael stood on the deck of the steamer, waving good-bye once again to her old friend Robert Wilson. How could she have known she would never see him or the British Isles again? Amy was certain God had called her to India. Indeed! India would be her home for the rest of her life. Amy Carmichael's life was one of simple, determined obedience to God, regardless of the consequences. Her service in India is a vivid example of the impact one person who will fear God and nothing else can have. Driven by love, sustained by faith and determination, this young woman from Northern Ireland defied the cruel barriers of India's caste system...
$799 $899
Mary Slessor: Forward Into Calabar by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Mary Slessor pondered David Livingstone's words: "I don't care where we go as long as we go forward." "I'm not going anywhere," Mary mused. "I'm twenty-seven years old. I work in a cotton mill twelve hours a day. God," Mary prayed, "send me somewhere, anywhere, just send me to be a missionary. God would indeed answer the prayer of the fiery, red-haired woman from Scotland. For thirty-nine years, Mary Slessor would labor in love among the unreached, often treacherous, tribes of Africa's Calabar region. Braving sickness, danger, and death on all sides, Mary became the cherished "White Ma" to entire tribes. Her faith, steadfastness, and...
$799 $899
Jim Elliott: One Great Purpose by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose"  Jim and Pete turned to see the Auca men, their deadly spears raised, running toward Nate, Ed, and Roger. Jim stood in the river, his hand on his pistol. Should he defend himself? He already knew the answer. Each man had promised the others that he would not save himself by killing those they had sought out in Jesus' name. Jim Elliot and his coworkers surrendered their lives in Ecuador's jungle, trusting that their sacrifice would not be in vain. Decades later, this dramatic event has challenged countless Christians to live with one great purpose: to...
$799 $899
I Needed a Neighbour by Patricia St. John -11%
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The refugee camp is crowded with sick and starving people. Two new arrivals, a teenage girl, Mehrit, carrying her little brother on her back, wait their turn patiently. What will happen to them? Will they ever find their parents again? A strong and moving story of a family in a famine-stricken country.
$799 $899
Nothing Else Matters by Patricia St. John -11%
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A powerful and moving story based on real events in the Lebanese civil war in the 1980’s. Lamia and her family are caught up in the fighting, with tragic consequences. Lamia struggles with the hatred that threatens to destroy her, until she grasps that forgiveness and love are the most important things. Nothing else matters.
$799 $899
The Victor by Patricia St. John -11%
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Philo, a first-century Phoenician boy, is worried about his family. Evil hangs over their house like a cloud. And it all seems to come from his sister, Illyrica, who is possessed by a demon. Hearing about a prophet from Nazareth who has healed the sick and even raised the dead, Philo wonders if He can save his sister. But the mere mention of the prophet’s name sends Illyrica into fits of rage and despair. Even if the prophet really is as powerful as people say He is, how can Philo and his little sister, Ione, take Illyrica to Him to be healed? Hopeless, Philo runs away and goes to live with his uncle in Capernaum, where he hears even...
$799 $899
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What did you hear, you little twerp?" Tyke asked, holding Francis's wrists and looking at him with narrowed eyes. "I heard about the phone booth, and Tyke, let me join your gang! If you want to smash phone booths, I could help you. I can run fast. I'm fastest under eleven in the school. I could watch out and warn you, and you could smash anything you wanted."
$899 $999
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In a struggle to learn to overcome her fiery temper and selfish spirit, Ruth is led to the discovery of a very important Shepherd who can and does teach her (and others) how to be good. The story contains beautiful and uplifting examples of what can happen when we let ourselves be found by Him.
$799 $899
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This captivating little book is yet another example of the ease with which Patricia St. John mixes thrilling adventure with classic Christian truth. When we first encounter Elaine, she is a selfish, spoiled, stuck-up city girl who is unable to grasp that happiness can come from anything but pleasing herself and having her own way. But when her mother sends her to stay with the Owen family in the Welsh countryside, while she goes on a business trip to France, things begin to change. Watching the gradual change in Elaine as she is forced out of her own little world is like watching the slow blooming of a flower. The story of her...
Jessica's First Prayer by Hesba Stretton -20%
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To Jessica, a poor outcast girl on the streets of London who has to beg or steal to keep herself alive, Mr. Daniel's coffe stall becomes, for a few moments each week, a little paradise. The unlikely pair are influenced by each other in strange ways: Jessica comes to a knowledge of the God Who answers prayer, and Mr. Daniel is brought to repentance for his life of meanness and covetousness.
$799 $999
Asking Father by Harvey and Tait -8%
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A series of short, factual stories which inspire children to approach their Heavenly Father with confidence, knowing that He will honor their prayers. Parents enjoy reading this book as much as their children. It is also an excellent source of material for Sunday Schools. Now available in Spanish!
$1099 $1199
A Home for Virginia by Patricia St. John -10%
When an old miner is left with the job of bringing up the newborn Virginia he doesnt realise that it will change his life forever. As he cleans the dust and cobwebs away for the new arrival, we see that is also what the Holy Spirit does in our lives. He starts a work in our hearts and our lives are changed forever. 24 pages. Hardback. Suitable for 4-7 year olds
$899 $999
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Hamid does not want his little blind sister, Kinza, to be sold to a beggar, by their stepfather, so he decides to rescue her. Together they escape from their mountain village to a town where there may be a new home for Kinza. But this is only the start of their adventures. Will Kinza be safe? What will happen to Hamid who dares not go back home?
$799 $899
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This is probably Patricia St. John's most-loved childrens book, and with good reason. It presents and deals with the issues of bitterness, hatred, and unforgiveness in a way that children can understand and relate to. Set in the beautiful Swiss Alps, the story centers around Annette, who feels she can never forgive Lucien, a neighboring boy, for causing her young brother, Danny, to fall down a precipice and break his leg. Annette goes out of her way to make sure everyone else hates Lucien, too. But then some surprising things start to happen to both of them. In the end, hatred and bitterness give way to forgiveness and friendship....
$799 $899
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Stories that build character for ages 5-10. Don and Joyce visit the farm and discover a hive of angry bees. From this experience Grandma chooses lessons on a variety of bees. This has been an all-time favorite for SIXTY YEARS and has been handed down from parent to child. Who is Devern Fomke ?
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This sequel to A Hive of Busy Bees has also become a favorite. Many teachers explain how students look forward to the time when the class can have another Bee story. These character building stories will continue to live in children's minds for many years. Who is Devern Fomke ?
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Just like Seeing God's Wisdom, this collection of stories for both children and teens will stimulate interest and also develop greater interest in seeking God's wisdom principles. Parents will be amazed how the stories stimulate questions and insights. Who is Devern Fomke ?
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A collection of stories selected by the author and intended to be read and discussed during the family gathering time. Both children and teenagers will enjoy the spiritual principles that build character and purpose in living. Who is Devern Fomke ?