Christian Biographies

Plowed Under by Amy Carmichael -8%
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Amy Carmichael, admired writer and missionary, tells the story of Arulai Tara (Star of Grace), the sister of Mimosa. Arulai was given a notebook during a great illness and told to write what you can of the coming of the call of the unseen Spring. This book reveals the importance of preparing ourselves for obedience to God s call in our lives; the beauty in remaining faithful in preparing the ground God has given us. In the words of St. John of the Cross, Plowed Under illuminates for the reader the importance of [living] in the world as though there were in it but God and thy soul. About the Author Amy Carmichael was the eldest...
$1099 $1199
The Christian Hero: A Sketch of the Life of Robert Annan by John Macpherson -22%
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If you've never heard of Robert Annan of Dundee, otherwise known as "the Christian Hero," prepare to be astounded at the amazing grace of God in his life as you turn the pages of this incredible little biography. Its thrilling story will stir you to the depths and almost certainly drive you to your knees with an increased desire to be used for God’s glory. The record of his beginning years reads much like that of John Newton - a life of wandering far from God in the ways of sin and rebellion. At least once he miraculously escaped death through the overruling providence of God. As time passed, he became thoroughly discontented with...
$699 $899
Classic Christian Hymn-Writers by Elsie Houghton -25%
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This 340-page volume contains crisp and stirring biographical sketches of fifty of the world's greatest hymn-writers. The focus in this book is on the hymn-writers themselves rather than on specific hymns, which sets the book apart from most in this genre. "Hymns and their authors are a fascinating subject. So often the life story of the hymn-writer, or some incident from it, finds expression in the form of a hymn that then becomes a means of blessing to many thousands of people. In compiling this collection of brief biographies of some of the great hymn-writers, Mrs. Elsie Houghton has put the Christian world in her debt....
$899 $1199
Amazing Love by Corrie Ten Boom -8%
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Corrie Ten Boom survived a Nazi concentration camp to become a worldwide witness for Christ. Her story has been told in the movie The Hiding Place, and in this wonderful book she shares with us many more amazing encounters with people in camps and jails, with students and acresses, and with the sophisticated and illiterate. We meet on these pages not Corrie, but Corrie's Christ. About the Author It is hard to overestimate the impact of the life of Corrie Ten Boom. She and her family risked their lives by hiding Jews in occupied Holland during World War II. Arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Ravensbruck, the notorious...
$1099 $1199
Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom -8%
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The Story that Begins Where The Hiding Place Ends, Join Corrie on a worldwide trip that could only have been planned by God. “It was in a church in Munich that I saw him… One moment I saw the overcoat and the brown hat; the next, a blue uniform and a visored cap with its skull and crossbones. It came back with a rush: The place was Ravensbruck and the man who was making his way forward had been a guard—one of the most cruel guards. “Now he was in front of me, hand thrust out. I was face to face with one of my captors and my blood seemed to freeze. ‘Fraulein, will you forgive me?’” Corrie ten...
$1099 $1199
Memoirs of David Stoner by Dawson and Hannah -10%
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The name of David Stoner (1794-1826) deserves to be ranked alongside those of Robert Murray McCheyne, David Brainerd and Henry Martyn. Like them, he died at a relatively young age; and like them, his life was marked by a profound hunger and thirst for God and intense passion for souls. Stoner was saved at twelve years of age and from that point until his untimely death twenty years later his soul was continually on full stretch for God. This book tells the story of his short but amazing life: his godly upgringing, his radical conversion, his call to preach, his amazing success as a Wesleyan Methodist preacher, his patience in tribulation...
$899 $999
Three in Love by Trudy Harvey Tait -10%
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Read these TRUE love stories of devoted Christians who invited a third person to be present in their marriage. No other triangle works; just this one--husband, wife and the Lord Jesus! Three in love--for time and eternity! Included in this volume: Charles and Susanna Spurgeon John and Madeleine Oberlin Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth James and Ruth Stewart William and Catherine Booth George Bowen and Emma Morris Tom and Iva Vennard John and Betty Stam Edwin and Lillian Harvey
$899 $999
Anthony Norris Groves: Saint and Pioneer by G. H. Lang -11%
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Although his name is little known in Christian cirlces today, Anthony Norris Groves (1795-1853) was, according to the writer of this book, one of the most influential men of the nineteenth century. He was what might be termed a spiritual pioneer, forging a path through unfamiliar territory in order that others might follow. One of those who followed him was George Müller, known to the world as one who in his lifetime cared for over ten thousand orphans without any appeal for human aid, instead trusting God alone to provide for the daily needs of this large enterprise. In 1825 Groves wrote a booklet called Christian Devotedness...
$1599 $1799
Beyond the Edge: 100 Stories of Trusting God -7%
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Experience the joy of sharing the Gospel with people who are hearing it for the first time. Be amazed at the miraculous move of God in His people's lives. Weep over the martyrdom of missionaries for the cause of Christ. This collection of one hundred stories from the past and present of WEC International (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) reveal how God is working out the vision of founder C.T. Studd to reach all peoples with the life-changing Gospel. Expressive stories describe life. Vulnerable stories reveal life. Inspiring stories rekindle life. We need stories-especially true stories that inflame our passion and move...
$1399 $1499
Gipsy Smith: His Life and Work by Himself -23%
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This autobiography of Gipsy Smith (1860-1947) tells the fascinating story of how God’s amazing grace reached down into the life of a poor, uneducated gipsy boy and sent him singing and preaching all over Britain and America until he became a household name in many parts and influenced the lives of millions for Christ. He was born and raised in a gipsy tent to parents who made a living selling baskets, tinware and clothes pegs. His father was in and out of jail for various offences, but was gloriously converted during an evangelistic meeting. His mother died when he was only five years old. Converted at the age of sixteen, Gipsy taught...
$999 $1299
Ira Sankey: First Gospel Singer by Betty Steele Everett -14%
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Ira Sankey was organist, choir director and soloist for famous evangelist Dwight L. Moody--delighting crowds in America and the British Isles and leading many to Christ. The Ninety and Nine is his best known hymn.
$599 $699
Though Lions Roar (Helen Roseveare) by Mary Beth Lagerborg -14%
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The story of Helen Roseveare, missionary-doctor who served and suffered for Christ during the days of the 'Simba' rebel movement in the Congo (later called Zaire). Despite her fears, her life radiates an inner calm which rests on a personal faith in the living God and the power of the gospel.
$599 $699
John Bunyan God's Tinker by Robert M. Rosio -14%
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You have likely read THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, but do you know how it came to be written? Enjoy this fascinating look into the life and times of its author, who lived over 300 years ago.
$599 $699
Colombian Jungle Escape by Ed and Doreen Dulka -14%
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The true adventure of a WEC missionary family's ministry among the Carapana Indians in the wild jungles of Colombia.
$599 $699
Beyond the Minarets (Henry Martyn) by Kellsye M. Finnie -14%
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The biography of Henry Martyn. His was a brilliant and talented life laid down for the gospel and the Word of God. His life remains an example in faith, prayer and sacrificial service. His translation work laid the foundation for the present Urdu and Farsi Scriptures.
$599 $699
Living Water (Hudson Taylor) by Rod Thomson -14%
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When Hudson Taylor went to China, hundreds of millions of Chinese beyond the coastlands had never heard of Jesus. This biography of the founder of the China Inland Mission shows what God can do through a life dedicated to Him.
$599 $699
William Carey Missionary Pioneer by Kellsye M. Finnie -14%
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“Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” Here is the powerful story of how William Carey, pioneer missionary to India, put his own words into practice.
$599 $699
Only One Life (Mabel Francis) by Jean Vandevenne -14%
An engrossing biography. Mabel Francis, raised in New Hampshire, felt the call of God to missionary service in Japan. There she became a church planter and teacher. When World War II broke out, she elected to stay in Japan. She labored in post-war Hiroshima, and later became the first foreigner to receive from the Emperor membership in the Fifth Order of the Sacred Treasure.
$599 $699
William Wilberforce Freedom Fighter by Betty Steele Everett -14%
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A rising star in British politics, young William Wilberforce led a life of privilege and power. Then he turned to Christ, and the Lord changed the focus of his heart. As a newly converted Member of the English House of Commons, he spent the rest of his long and honored political career promoting the freedom and rights of slaves.
$599 $699
Sawdust Trail Preacher (Billy Sunday) by Betty Steele Everett -14%
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The story of Billy Sunday, a professional baseball player, who became an evangelist and led over 1,000,000 people to Jesus.
$599 $699