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Bert Elliot is the brother of martyred missionary Jim Elliot. I often spoke of Bert and Colleen from the platform as examples of stick-to-it-tiveness, godly self-sacrifice, and simple perseverance in jungle heat, mildew, mud, and rain in the high Andes, humbly ministering to lonely people. —Elisabeth Elliot, sister-in-law, author of "Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot" Twentieth-century martyr Jim Elliot wrote, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” How many ways might followers of Jesus demonstrate the truth of this wisdom? The lives of brothers Jim and Bert...
$1499 $1500
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This extensive biography by Robert E. Speer is the definitive biography of American missionary, George Bowen of Bombay. Few men have been such a living embodiment of the love of Jesus as George Bowen! Converted from atheism to Christianity through both the love and tragic death of a good woman, he relinquished his salary and rented rooms near a Bombay market where he lived frugally for forty years. Supporting himself by his income as editor of the Bombay Guardian, he tirelessly witnessed whenever and wherever he could to the transforming power of Jesus. Such was his devotion that he never returned to his native land. It is little wonder...
$2399 $2499
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A down-to-earth London girl, without many prospects, commits to Christ as an eighteen year old and the Lord uses her beyond what anyone could have imagined. Gladys Aylward, a little but determined woman, became a mighty gospel force amongst her beloved Chinese people as she forsook everything, even her own safety, for the sake of their physical and eternal wellbeing. Her Christ-led adventure takes her on a perilous solitary journey from London to China, and sees her escorting hundreds of children through a war zone - even stopping a riot in a Chinese prison! Throughout it all, she would rather die with ‘her people’ than desert them....
$1199 $1499
Classic story of the man who founded the largest mission in China. The amazing life–story of Hudson Taylor shows the trials and tribulations of being a man in Christ. Driven by a deep concern for those without Christ and having an unshakable confidence in the faithfulness of God, he moved to a far and distant country at an early age. The exciting story of Hudson Taylor, one of the great nineteenth–century missionaries. A true account of God’s grace and what he can do with a life consecrated to him. ”The challenge of world evangelization remains as great in the 21st century as it was in Hudson Taylor’s day. Spurred by the gospel, he went...
$1299 $1499
D. E. Hoste: A Prince with God by Phyllis Thompson -8%
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D. E. Hoste was one of the “Cambridge Seven” who went to China as missionaries in 1885. In 1900 he succeeded Hudson Taylor as the general director of the China Inland Mission, now known as OMF. He was chosen to be the leader of the Mission because he had served the people of China and his fellow missionaries in a spirit of love, humility, and self-discipline. He was also a man of deep prayerfulness. He believed, like Hudson Taylor before him, that “it is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone.” “Patient, persevering prayer,” wrote Mr. Hoste, “plays a more vital and practical part in the development of the Mission’s work than...
$1199 $1299
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This is the incredible story of a modern missionary family obeying the call of God to service for him in a foreign land in spite of their fear and insecurity; it's the story of the self-emptying process so that Christ could be all, and the fruitfulness that followed. Becky is a powerful speaker and writer. In this book she's incredibly up front and honest about her family's struggles on and off the mission field. You will laugh and you will cry. But more importantly, you'll worship. If you're ready for a thrilling missionary biography that will challenge you to the core of your being, don't hesitate to pick this one up. About the...
Tread Upon the Lion: The Story of Tommie Titcombe by Sophie de la Haye -9%
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New from Kingsley Press Tommie Titcombe was small in stature physically, but spiritually he was a giant. Saved in his early twenties, he soon felt called of God to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who had never heard the good news of salvation. Twice he applied to the Sudan Interior Mission, and twice he was refused. He told the director, Rowland Bingham, that he was going to Africa anyway. Upon being asked what board he was going under, Tommie replied, “I don’t know, Mr. Bingham. It may be some old woman’s wash board, but I’m going to Africa!” Seeing Tommie’s determination, Mr. Bingham soon afterwards relented and accepted...
$999 $1099
Anthony Norris Groves: Saint and Pioneer by G. H. Lang -11%
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Although his name is little known in Christian cirlces today, Anthony Norris Groves (1795-1853) was, according to the writer of this book, one of the most influential men of the nineteenth century. He was what might be termed a spiritual pioneer, forging a path through unfamiliar territory in order that others might follow. One of those who followed him was George Müller, known to the world as one who in his lifetime cared for over ten thousand orphans without any appeal for human aid, instead trusting God alone to provide for the daily needs of this large enterprise. In 1825 Groves wrote a booklet called Christian Devotedness...
$1599 $1799
Though Lions Roar (Helen Roseveare) by Mary Beth Lagerborg -14%
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The story of Helen Roseveare, missionary-doctor who served and suffered for Christ during the days of the 'Simba' rebel movement in the Congo (later called Zaire). Despite her fears, her life radiates an inner calm which rests on a personal faith in the living God and the power of the gospel.
$599 $699
Colombian Jungle Escape by Ed and Doreen Dulka -14%
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The true adventure of a WEC missionary family's ministry among the Carapana Indians in the wild jungles of Colombia.
$599 $699
Beyond the Minarets (Henry Martyn) by Kellsye M. Finnie -14%
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The biography of Henry Martyn. His was a brilliant and talented life laid down for the gospel and the Word of God. His life remains an example in faith, prayer and sacrificial service. His translation work laid the foundation for the present Urdu and Farsi Scriptures.
$599 $699
Living Water (Hudson Taylor) by Rod Thomson -14%
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When Hudson Taylor went to China, hundreds of millions of Chinese beyond the coastlands had never heard of Jesus. This biography of the founder of the China Inland Mission shows what God can do through a life dedicated to Him.
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William Carey Missionary Pioneer by Kellsye M. Finnie -14%
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“Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” Here is the powerful story of how William Carey, pioneer missionary to India, put his own words into practice.
$599 $699
Only One Life (Mabel Francis) by Jean Vandevenne -14%
An engrossing biography. Mabel Francis, raised in New Hampshire, felt the call of God to missionary service in Japan. There she became a church planter and teacher. When World War II broke out, she elected to stay in Japan. She labored in post-war Hiroshima, and later became the first foreigner to receive from the Emperor membership in the Fifth Order of the Sacred Treasure.
$599 $699
Out of the Dark and Into God's Light (Nancy Chapel) by Dolores Bos -14%
Nadia Chaplya, a Ukrainian teenager, is shipped as a work-prisoner to Nazi Germany. There she comes to belief in God and faith in Christ. After the War, she immigrates to America, learns English, and changes her name to Nancy Chapel. After training at Calvin College, she goes to Nigeria as a teacher, sharing God's love.
$599 $699
Ann H. Judson of Burma by Emma R. Pitman -14%
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The story of Mrs. Judson's trial as devoted companion of her noble husband, "Judson of Burma" is one of the most touching in all the annals of missions.  Her sufferings and indomitable courage in face of daunting difficulties commands sympathy and attention.  The record is one of devotion to duty in spite of difficulties and often hostility.  This is a powerful, compelling narrative.
$599 $699
The Awakening by Marie Monsen -11%
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Revival! It was a long time coming. For twenty long years Marie Monsen prayed for revival in China. She had heard reports of how God's Spirit was being poured out in abundance in other countries, particularly in nearby Korea; so she began praying for funds to be able to travel there in order to bring back some of the glowing coals to her own mission field. But that was not God's way. The still, small voice of God seemed to whisper, “What is happening in Korea can happen in China if you will pay the price in prayer." Marie Monsen took up the challenge and gave her solemn promise: “Then I will pray until I receive." The...
$799 $899
A Present Help by Marie Monsen -11%
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Does your faith in the God of the impossible need reviving? Do you think that stories of walls of fire and hosts of guardian angels protecting God’s children are only for Bible times? Then you should read the amazing accounts in this book of how God and His unseen armies protected and guided Marie Monsen, a Norwegian missionary to China, as she traveled through bandit-ridden territory spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and standing on the promises of God. You will be amazed as she tells of an invading army of looters who ravaged a whole city, yet were not allowed to come near her mission compound because of angels standing sentry...
$799 $899
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An inspiring and unforgettable story that has given hope to many. During the cruel rule of General Franco in Spain, Christine and her husband received a dramatic call to take the gospel to Gypsies living in the caves of Almeria, Spain. However, due to financial restraints their denomination were unable to send them. Christine and Chris were happy to think that God had been testing them, knowing how they would have gone had it been possible. But God started to speak to them through Hebrews 11. They realised if they were to be obedient to such a remarkable call they would need to take a leap of faith. After selling all in England, they...
Patricia St. John: The Story Behind the Stories by Irene Howat -14%
Patricia St. John's life is a story in itself but she grew up to become one of the world's best-loved Christian writers for children. After almost being born in the middle of a storm on the Bay of Biscay it was no surprise to see Patricia's life take twists and turns along the way. She had an adventurous spirit so when the bombs fell during the blitz in London there she was, working as a nurse! When looking after 30 children in a boarding school as housemother her exciting bedtime stories kept the children up! They were later to became her classic stories, Tanglewood's Secret and Treasures of the Snow! Your...
$599 $699
The Moffats by Ethel Daniels Hubbard -14%
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The Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat While David Livingstone was discovering worlds unknown in the mysterious depths of central Africa, Robert Moffat was performing a wonderful exploit of his own down in his study at Kuruman. . . hoping, before he died, to give the whole Bible to the people in their native speech. Robert and Mary Moffat gave impassioned service to God for a continent of human need.
$599 $699
A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter -5%
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By Miriam Huffman Rockness (Check out the author's blog about Miss Trotter and her art at: http://ililiastrotter.wordpress.com ) This is the story of the woman whose life of faith and devotion inspired the hymn "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." Although art critic John Ruskin enthusiastically proclaimed Lilias Trotter's potential as one of the best artists of the nineteenth century, her devotion to Christ compelled her to abandon the life of art, privilege, and leisure she could have enjoyed. Without knowing the language and without the sponsorship of any organization, Lilias left her London home of comfort for a modest...
$1899 $1999
Patricia St. John Tells Her Own Story -17%
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Formerly published in the United States with the title: An Ordinary Woman's Extraordinary Faith Anyone who has read Patricia St. John's books already knows how her stories come alive, and this account of her own life is no exception. Her powers of description make the story leap from the page and the reader is transported to far off places and times; and the people and the things she describes can almost be touched, smelled and seen. Patricia was not just a gifted story-teller, though; she was also a deeply committed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose spiritual journey began when she was only six years old. 'My name...
$999 $1199