Books on Revival

Road to Revival by Vance Havner -9%
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According to well-known pastor and writer Michael Catt, this book is “Vance Havner at his best.” The messages contained here were preached in special meetings and Bible conferences across the country. Wherever he went, Havner focused on stirring revival fires in the hearts of God’s people; and through the pages of his many books, his revivalist message and influence are still felt. “We are living in a land which has been graciously blessed of God,” he writes, “but it is now sinking into paganism. The last days and the perilous times have come. Any man who can hold an open Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other...
$999 $1099
In the Day of Thy Power by Arthur Wallis -7%
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"Oh, that you would rend the heavens! That you would come down!" Millions have prayed that, and pray it now. Has it ever happened? Yes, God has come down; both the Bible and Christian history bear witness to it. In the Day of Thy Power is filled with plentiful quotations from eyewitnesses of revival and with inescapable biblical authority for such "times of refreshing ... from the presence of the Lord." It unfolds the conditions by which God still comes, as in apostolic days, with "mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God." "As I read the manuscript," Norman Grubb recalled, "it had the effect of confronting me with...
$1399 $1499
Broken People, Transforming Grace by Roy Hession -8%
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You need to read this book! Seriously, I don't care who you are--a long-time church member, a new Christian, a preacher, an unbeliever enquiring about the Christian faith, a backslider--whoever you are and however you classify yourself--you need to read this book! Your greatest need, and my greatest need, is the transforming grace of God; and this book will shed light on the pathway to that grace. We are all broken people, whether we like to admit it or not--broken people in need of transforming grace--no matter where we are in life's journey. In his introduction, the author himself calls the book a "handbook to revival" and I can't...
$1199 $1299
Church on Fire by Fred A. Hartley III -7%
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Church on Fire is what happens when Christ comes to church. It s practical, relational, missional and do-able. Step-by-step Fred Hartley guides you and your church family on a 31-day spiritual journey showing you from both the Bible and life experience how to encounter the reality of the manifest presence of Christ. Why settle for just keeping the church machinery moving when God is waiting to set your Church on Fire! About the Author Fred Hartley is a Lead Pastor in Atlanta, Georgia and President of the College of Prayer International. He has written twenty books including Prayer on Fire and  God on Fire . Leading...
$1399 $1499
God on Fire by Fred A. Hartley III -13%
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God on Fire is why you were born. You are more alive in the middle of God’s white-hot presence than anywhere else on earth. Once you encounter the manifest presence of Christ, you will never want to settle for anything less. In fact, the manifest presence of Christ is the single factor that distinguishes the church from the Kiwanis Club or the sports bar. Normally the history of revival is studied from man’s perspective; what we do to encounter God. God on Fire explores what God does to encounter us. Discover the three miracles that occur every time we encounter God. This book will help you: Learn the...
$1299 $1499
The Revival We Need by Oswald J. Smith -10%
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When Oswald J. Smith wrote this book almost a hundred years ago he felt the most pressing need of the worldwide church was true revival—the kind birthed in desperate prayer and accompanied by deep conviction for sin, godly sorrow, and deep repentance, resulting in a living, victorious faith. If he were alive today he would surely conclude that the need has only become more acute with the passing years. The author relates how there came a time in his own ministry when he became painfully aware that his efforts were not producing spiritual results. His intense study of the New Testament and past revivals only deepened this...
$899 $999
Upgrade: from Adequacy to Abundance by Michael Catt -7%
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Have you ever felt like there must be more? More than going to church. More than praying safe prayers. More than accepting the norm. Your upgrade is now available! In Upgrade, Michael outlines the behaviors and mindsets of immature faith and explains how God equips and empowers us to enjoy the Christ-filled life promised to us in the Epistles. Catt challenges us to accept the upgrade offered to all Christians-not just an elite few-through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Don't miss out on God's best! "You can settle for mediocrity, trying to muddle through in your own strength, or you can accept Christ's upgrade and abide and...
$1299 $1399
Our Nearest Kinsman by Roy Hession -11%
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Is there more than romance to the story of Ruth? Roy Hession says Yes! Most of us have missed the subtle details that are key to understanding the significance of this heart moving book. We need a new vision of the blood of Christ and the grace of God to make the same daring claim on our nearest Kinsman as Ruth made hers. Come and learn about the restoration, revival and renewal promised in Ruth, until at last you hav the boldness to lie at the feet of your Kinsman with full confidence. Come and learn about the restoration, revival and renewal promised in Ruth, until at last you have the boldness to lie at the feet of your Kinsman...
$799 $899
The Awakening by Marie Monsen -11%
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Revival! It was a long time coming. For twenty long years Marie Monsen prayed for revival in China. She had heard reports of how God's Spirit was being poured out in abundance in other countries, particularly in nearby Korea; so she began praying for funds to be able to travel there in order to bring back some of the glowing coals to her own mission field. But that was not God's way. The still, small voice of God seemed to whisper, “What is happening in Korea can happen in China if you will pay the price in prayer." Marie Monsen took up the challenge and gave her solemn promise: “Then I will pray until I receive." The...
$799 $899
The Awakening in Wales by Jessie Penn-Lewis -13%
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Readers of this volume will be profoundly grateful to Jessie Penn-Lewis for her clear and unvarnished record of the facts concerning the remarkable outpouring of God's Spirit in Wales at the time of the 1903-1905 revival, and the central place given to the cross of Christ in that Divine visitation. All who read these pages will experience a longing to see God work again in similar or greater ways and will find themselves praying withe the Psalmist, "Wilt thou not revive us again?"
$699 $799
How They Prayed Vol. 3 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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Read the touching story of Lily Roberts, a missionary in the Congo, who prayed, "Lord, my life for revival," and how God took her at her word. Discover how largely prayer figured in the revival of 1857 and others. Gain an insight into the prayer-lives of various missionaries. All in this book!
$1199 $1299
The Great Revival in Ireland in 1859 by William Gibson -14%
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In 1859 a glorious wave of revival power swept over Ireland, such as had not been known there for centuries. It came in a time of spiritual dearth but--as is doubtless always the case--in answer to the earnest supplication of the few faithful saints whose hearts wept before the Lord because of the desolation of Zion. This book is a small extract from a much larger book by the same name. It will provoke you to earnestly cry to God that He come to our generation with revival.
$599 $699
Revival Praying by Leonard Ravenhill -6%
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One of the twentieth century's greatest authorities on revival, Leonard Ravenhill exhorts believers to pray if they want to see revival. Calling prayer "faith in action" and the most essential element in starting a revival, he urges Christians to become people of prayer. This fast-paced book, filled with illustrations of biblical and more recent examples of effective praying, presents a model for those who would devote themselves to prayer. His message is as critical today as it was when first published more than forty years ago. "From the burdened heart of a man of God come these burning pages." --Raymond Edman, late president of...
$1499 $1600
Revival God's Way by Leonard Ravenhill -6%
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This no-compromise biblical clarion call to revival is timeless. Leonard Ravenhill clearly shows how the church can be brought from where it is to where it ought to be. The church still needs his message, first published in 1983, for as Ravenhill said, "We live in a generation which has never know revival--God's way." The message is drastic, fearless, and often radical. His goal for the church is nothing less than full restoration to the glory, power, holiness, and dignity that Christ intended for it.
$1499 $1600
The Calvary Road by Roy Hession -11%
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Do you long for revival and power in your life? Learn how Jesus can fill you with His Spirit through brokenness, repentance and confession. Roy Hession, a successful evangelist in England, knew he had lost the power of the Spirit in his life--a terrible feeling as he led his evangelistic campaigns. Hession met leaders of the East African Church which was experiencing a sweeping revival, and recognized his deep personal need. It was like starting the Christian life over as he came humbly to the Cross. The principles which the Lord taught him are published in this book. George Verwer of Operation Mobilization writes, "This is one of the...
$799 $899
Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill -6%
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The book that shaped me probably more dramatically than any other book that I have read..." --Ravi Zacharias One of the twentieth century's greatest authorities on revival, Leonard Ravenhill gives a no-compromise call to the principles of biblical revival. The heart of his message to the church is in this volume. Appalled by the disparity between the New Testament church and the church today, his message is drastic, fearless, and often radical. As timely a call to revival today as when published nearly fifty years ago, more than 350,000 copies are in print worldwide. Includes questions for group and individual study.
$1499 $1600
When the Spirit's Fire Swept Korea by Jonathan Goforth -37%
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Jonathan Goforth was a pioneer missionary to China who longed to see God work in revival power. In 1904 and 1905 he was inspired by reports of the Welsh Revival, and then in 1907 he heard about a revival that had broken out in nearby Korea. He decided he must go there and witness the outpouring of God’s Spirit firsthand in the hope that the fires of revival and renewal would follow him back to China on his return. He was not disappointed. After visiting some of the main mission centers in Korea and witnessing what the mighty power of God had done and was still doing, Goforth returned to China and began reporting to the churches there...
$250 $399