Jon says:
I’ve read Repentance over 20 times. I’ve given dozens away. It is one of the most concise books on the Faith I’ve read. I read it once or twice a year as it keeps me on my path with God.
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A Present Help by Marie Monsen
N.V. says:
Wow! I was BLESSED by the real-life situations she was in and how the Holy Spirit spoke a Scripture from The LORD and when SHE acted on that prompting and spoke it out…the LORD stood behind His WORD and met her need. This validates (to me) the great importance of meditating, reading, memorizing GOD’sWORD!
And Jim says:
I found the stories related truly inspirational! The book caused me to look beyond the ordinary Christian life to the normal supernatural we are called to live.
Larger Window by Devern Fromke
Kathy says:
What a solid book for all Christians. Twice I have thought, “I don’t like what he is saying,” and yet both times, he has been absolutely right. I am encouraged and challenged! This is one of the best devotionals I have read.
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