Some months ago while doing research on the resurrection for a Sunday School lesson, I came across the web site of Eternal Perspective Ministries ( and the writings of someone I’d never heard of: Randy Alcorn. What a discovery! I immediately ordered a couple of his books: In Light of Eternity and Heaven. What a feast! If you’ve never read either of these books, I have to tell you that you’re missing out on some of the best material available on the subject of heaven (we hope to add them to our online store eventually). More recently I was asked to preach the Sunday evening service at our church and I felt compelled to speak on a much-neglect subject: Laying up Treasures in Heaven. I based much of my talk on material I gleaned from The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn. Many people came to me after the message saying that they had been challenged and given much food for thought. This amazing little book contains tremendous insights on the use of money and how we can literally send our money on ahead into eternity. It’s definitely a life changer. Randy’s books have been such a blessing to me personally that I have set a goal of trying to make every one of his books available through our online store. So far we have five titles, which you can find on the Randy Alcorn page of our store.