Kingsley Press is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Jesus Only by Vance Havner. This brings the total number of Vance Havner reprints to four: Why Not Just Be Christians, Moments of Decision, In Times Like These, and now Jesus Only.
What’s so amazing about these books is their prophetic quality. Havner wrote many of his books 40 plus years ago, yet they reach right into today’s problems and needs with uncanny precision.
This is what Havner himself said about this particular book:
In the awful confusion of these tragic days, many dear souls are weary of the torrent of words to no profit – stacks of books by blind leaders of the blind and panaceas from experts who do not know what the question is, much less the answer. They long to press through the throng to Christ himself and touch him for themselves. It is our hope and prayer that these meditations may help any and all who would see no man, but JESUS ONLY.
Here is a sample quotation from page 87 to whet your appetite:
The church always has prospered in persecution but suffered in prosperity. She is “secure in danger but endangered by security.” She has always been rich when poor, and poor when rich. She has had least treasure in heaven when she has had most money in the bank. You cannot stop the church by persecution: cut off one head and two more will appear. But if you want to smother the church patronize and popularize her. Fill her rolls with the worthless names of unregenerate members. Fill her offices with unconsecrated worldlings, her choirs with unsaved singers, her societies with social climbers, and you will discover that what Satan could never accomplish as a roaring lion of persecution he can achieve as a patronizing angel of light.
Buy your copies of Jesus Only today!