Miriam Huffman Rockness, author of A Passion for the Impossible, has just released a beautiful new hardback book full of quotations from Lilias Trotter’s writings as well as her beautiful artwork. A Blossom in the Desert belongs on your coffee table, to give you encouragement time and again as you ponder Lilias’ challenges and how she persevered to inspire the song, “Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus.” The exquisite paintings and deeply inspirational writings in A Blossom in the Desert are drawn from the extensive body of work Lilias Trotter left: devotional books and leaflets, journals and letters, and thirty astonishingly beautiful page-a-day diaries. Lilias believed God has two textbooks–Scripture and Creation–and she studied both. Day by day, decade upon decade, through the season of her life, Lilias recorded in watercolors and words her observations filtered through her heavenly vision: God working out His purposes on a land and in a people. 240 pages of full color, inspirational art and meditations, with a satin bookmark. A Blossom in the Desert would make an excellent Christmas gift of lasting value.

New Lilias Trotter Book: A Blossom in the Desert
- Post author:Edward Cook
- Post published:November 20, 2007
- Post category:New Products
- Post comments:0 Comments