McCheyne, a 19th Century Scottish minister had a way with language that made him a wonderful and warm preacher of the Gospel. These gems are just that: jewels, small but bright, cut just right. They will adorn your mind and soul with holy truths and godly thoughts. The book is a collection of short but beautiful pieces that exalt Christ, teach the plain truths of the Gospel, and give the soul much to contemplate and to meditate upon. These can be used for personal reading and meditation. They can also profitably be used in family worship, easily explained to children. The Scripture passage that inspired the gems will be evident to most Christians familiar with the Bible. For others, the gems will lead them to further delve into the Word of God. The images, metaphors and similes that McCheyne uses, although they are from another century, are all quite vivid to the reader in the 21st Century. I highly recommend this book. Take a little time on the Lord’s Day to sit in a peaceable place and meditate on these gems. It will be an experience much like contemplating a beautiful diamond. Only these gems have an eternal value to them that will follow your soul even to the New Heavens and the New Earth, while you leave your diamond rings behind. Buy Gems of Robert Murray McCheyne now.

Gems of Robert Murray McCheyne Just Added
- Post author:Edward Cook
- Post published:July 9, 2008
- Post category:New Products
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