Bible Study and Commentaries

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Are you struggling to see what God is doing in your life during the midst of a difficult season? You are not alone. In this book, Ezra draws our attention to the Old Testament patriarch Jacob and reminds us that in our darkest nights God is doing his greatest work! Ezra has written transparently and truthfully to remind us that life is hard, but grace is greater. If you are limping along in the pressing pain of discouragement and doubt, this book invites you to walk with Ezra on a journey common to all and to embrace the profound truths of God’s presence and provision gleaned from the life of Jacob. Most of all, you will be compelled to...
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Our times are those of crisis, and of peril in doctrine, as well as in practice. There are many who are systematically setting aside the teaching of the Gospels, with the all-sufficient cry: "That's Jewish!" In so doing, they are ceasing to be disciples of Christ, for the teaching of the Lord Jesus as a whole is only to be found in the Gospels. In regard to the New Testament, they are falling into the very error of interpretation which was so justly rebuked, when applied to the prophets. See what more Govett has to say on this subject through the pages of this book. Robert Govett (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who...
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An exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5 -7, by Robert Govett. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon said of him: "Mr. Govett wrote a hundred years before his time, and the day will come when his works will be treasured as sifted gold."
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The full title of the book is: "How Interpret the Apocalypse? As Naturalists? Or as Supernaturalists? A Refutation of the Historic Interpretation, with Especial Reference to the Rev. G. Guinness' Approaching End of the Age." Govett favored the "literalist" interpretation of the book of Revelation.  Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon said of him: "Mr. Govett wrote a...
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The full title of the book is The Church of Old in its Unity, Gifts and Ministry. It's an exposition of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14. Govett says that these chapters from the pen of the apostle are "eminently worth of study, and much light will be found to flow from them to those who read them under the teaching of the blessed Spirit of God.... As a whole, these three chapters present the churches of God of old in their gifts, unity, love, worship, and ministry. Viewed as single chapters: chapter 12 offers to us THE BODY AND THE SPIRIT; or the Holy Spirit gifting and sustaining the many members of Christ in their places and mutual...
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Govett illuminates and explains the parables of the Bible with his usual clearness and thoroughness. You'll definitely want to peruse his insights on these sometimes hard-to-understand portions of the Scriptures. Robert Govett (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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In this book Govett zeroes in on some of the main themes of the book of Revelation, and how those themes can be traced throughout Bible history. The first chapter, for example, looks at the Man, the Woman, the Serpent, and their respective seeds. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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An exposition of Paul's epistle to the Philippians by Robert Govett. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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The full title of the book is "The Last Days and the First Resurrection; or Thoughts on Paul's Last Epistle." The author believes that the counsels offered by Paul to Timothy in this epistle are of utmost value to Christians living in the "latter times." Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
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Govett examines the first and second epistles to the Thessalonians, paying particular attention to the main theme of the "presence" of Christ and its effects on the saved and the lost.
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The resurrection of Christ is fundamental to the Christian faith. Without it, Christianity falls to the level of all other religions, and those who are called by the name Christian are, as the apostle Paul says, "of all men most miserable." Because of its crucial importance in the scheme of redemption, it has been assailed and attacked all down through the centuries, beginning in the days of the early church. This volume is Robert Govett's defense of the doctrine of the resurrection, both Christ's and ours, based on his exposition of 1 Corinthians 15. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well...
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Robert Govett's book on 1 John is not an attempt at a verse-by-verse commentary on the whole of the First Epistle of John. It attempts rather to set forth the leading ideas of this portion of Scripture. The principal doctrinal topics are those of the Trinity and of the person of Christ, with the practical consequences which flow from them. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon...
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A sermon by Robert Govett regarding the sin and punishment of Esau, the brother of Jacob. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon said of him: "Mr. Govett wrote a hundred years before his time, and the day will come when his works will be treasured as sifted gold."
$189 $199
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THE last word of our Lord to the church is not the Great Commission. The Great Commission is indeed our program to the end of the age, but our Lord’s last word to the church is “Repent.” That was his command to five out of seven of the churches in Asia, and that proportion still holds. Five out of seven Christians and churches today need first of all to repent.Today there is plenty of religious interest, a wave of mass evangelism, and all kinds of church activities. But none of these add up to real revival in the church. The messages in this book are meant to exhort both individual Christians and the church at large to take our Lord’s...
$999 $1099
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The key to the Song of Songs lies in personal experience. For him that is without, and who has not yet entered into the blessed sanctuary fellowship with Christ of which this Song testifies, the sweet strains of the Shulamite are not intended. No one brings with him into the world an ear for this Song. Seek not its meaning in the way of rational reflection; that is of no use. Look not for it in the school of a stagnant, lifeless orthodoxy. It is the Spirit alone that here searches the deep things, and teaches us to read those hieroglyphics. Friedrich Wilhelm Krummacher (1796-1868) was born into a family of German Reformed pietist...
$999 $1299
Tried by Fire by F. B. Meyer -27%
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This is an exposition of Peter's first epistle by an eminent Bible teacher of a bygone age. Meyer was a faithful pastor and popular speaker at various conventions. This is what he himself says about this book: THESE Expositions do not attempt to be critical or exhaustive; but the aim has been to deduce such spiritual exhortations and consola­tions from the glowing words of the Apostle as will most readily help Christian people in the varied circumstances of daily life. Delivered first as Expositions in the course of my stated ministry, they were afterwards published week by week in the pages of The Christian; and in response...
$799 $1099
The Bible and Spiritual Life by A. T. Pierson -6%
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The chapters of this book were originally delivered as part of the “Exeter Hall Lectures.” Dr. Pierson’s purpose was to show and illustrate that the Bible is God’s exact provision, satisfaction and guide for all the cravings and crises of man’s moral and spiritual life. Only the creator, who knows perfectly what is in man, could have made a book which so completely anticipates and answers all the needs of his higher nature. Anyone perusing these pages, whether preacher or lay person, will profit greatly from the amazing insights unfolded in these pages. How does the Bible deal with the problems of faith, prayer, suffering, providence, and...
$1599 $1699
Abraham by F. B. Meyer -7%
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This study in the life of Abraham continues F. B. Meyer's series of outstanding Bible biographies. It brings home to us the way in which faith should grow in us. "It grew in Abraham," Meyer concludes, "and it will grow in us." About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped together. Having been a student himself at London University, Meyer loved working with students. Throughout his long life...
$1299 $1399
David: Shepherd, Psalmist, King by F. B. Meyer -7%
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The character and life of David are supremely fascinating, not only to holy souls whose deepest thoughts have been expressed in his unrivaled psalms, but to all men: because of their humanness; their variety; their sharply constrasted experiences; their exhibition of traits of generosity and courage which always elicit admiration. The author states that while sketching every period of his life, he has concentrated on those passages which trace the steps by which the shepherd became the king. It was in these that his character was formed, his sweetest psalms composed, and those manifold experiences encountered which enabled him to...
$1299 $1399
Elijah and the Secret of His Power by F. B. Meyer -8%
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The author of this outstanding biography of Elijah insists that the life of this mighty man was produced through the indwelling of that Holy Spirit who is equally within reach of those who will believe and obey. There is nothing the Church of today needs so much as spiritual power; and there is nothing which we can have so easily, if only we are prepared to pay the price. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped...
$1199 $1299