This book, a sequel to The Velvet Curtain, continues the story of Esther and Gabby, the two Romanian girls who, in their attempts to escape the Iron Curtain, find themselves enmeshed in its Western counterpart. Esther takes drastic measures to stay clear of the Velvet Curtain while Gabby denies its very existence and calls it, instead, The American Dream.
And yet, behind this all-enveloping Curtain, the two girls and their friends, Len and Ron Atwood, discover that God can trurn tragedy into triumph. The story will take unexpected twists and turns as His grace invades, transforms, and redirects the lives of flawed and erring human beings.
What readers have written about the first book in the series:
The whole range of my emotional being has been touched by your story….I recognized the influence the velvet curtain has had in my own life.
I just want you to know the blessing your book, The Velvet Curtain, was to me. May we all be aware of the pressures and ways our American culture tries to conform us to its image rather than the image of Christ. Thank you for writing this book.
It (The Velvet Curtain) is just so wonderfully written and so very true. It says many things I’ve felt but could never put words to.
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