Life's Ultimate Privilege - Introduction

Life's Ultimate PrivilegeThe following is the Introduction from the book Life's Ultimate Privilege by Devern Fromke.

How This Started

For years I wanted to.

I knew the importance.

I struggled again and again to be diligent. But I never maintained a devotional life consistently.

I really longed for more intimate fellowship with God, but I was a failure. I knew it! And I was ashamed! I justified my failure in many curious ways.

Then I reached a crisis!

One day I realized I had been in active ministry 40 years. Strangely, the one thing I emphasized so often--intimate fellowship with God--was still so lacking in my life. My shame, my failure, my hypocrisy grew like a shadow before me! Even the constant demand as a teacher speaking before large audiences across the country gave me little comfort.

I was failing God . . . and man!

Then warning came! It was as though the Lord spoke to me: "My son, if you don't start now . . . you never will." I knew that was so true! I was, it seemed, about to make an irrevocable choice: either I could lag along, and my failure would become more apparent, or I could choose fullness of fellowship.

A desperation cry came from deep within: "Father, I will! I must meet You livingly every day, but I ask that You take me home if I do not fulfill this calling to a hidden life with You--before all other ministry."

I turned a corner that day. I knew (intuitively) things would be different! These past three years have been very different! Some of the lessons I am learning will be shared in this journey we are taking together.


Preparing for Our Journey!

I hope you like stories!

It will become evident that for each day of our journey we have chosen a true-life situation, so as to capture your attention, to appeal to your emotions, to enlighten your mind, but primarily to strengthen your will. We make no apology for using these heartwarming stories to illustrate some vital principles.

Normally, we encourage everyone to start his devotional time by reading God's Word as a preparation for prayer-fellowship. Yet this ideal method does not always stimulate beginners to get started. Since this journal is primarily designed for beginners, we are attempting to first capture interest and then lead into God's Word. For those who have already established a fruitful time of fellowship with the Lord, this will seem very elementary.

This is not an ordinary book intended to be read through in a couple sittings. Rather, it is written as a journal for our 15-day journey together. I thank you for not reading ahead and rushing through it in a few hours. You will discover that the greater value is not so much in the contents, as in the daily discipline you will develop. May I repeat--the discipline you develop to daily fellowship with God is most important.

It is common knowledge that in doing something 21 times, a habit is formed. If no other good comes from this journal, we want to help you start the habit of consistently meeting God in fellowship each day. In these 15 days you will be well along in establishing the best habit we know. Imagine--fifteen times--the Lord will have had first place in your life. We are sure you will continue the rest of your life.

Learn to organize the rest of your day around your appointed time of fellowship. Don't let the activities of the day decide this time. Fix a time and let it stay fixed, so that each day you do not have to debate the question of when, or where, or how to proceed. If at all possible, fix the time early in the morning. If you fix the time at night you will be backward-looking. If you fix the time in the morning you will be forward-looking, as the Psalmist says:

"My prayer comes to thee in the morning" (Psa. 88:13). 

"I sing of thy strength, a morning song to thy love" (Psa. 59:16).

"Morning by morning He awakens me to learn my lesson" (Isa. 50:4).

"I am up before the dawn to pray, waiting for thy promises" (Psa. 119:147).

You are fresher in the morning and can more easily receive. But whatever time you select, do fix it for regularity.

Remind yourself that God is more concerned than you for developing this daily fellowship. As you begin each day, pray for help. You are beginning a discipline which will make the difference between weakness and strength, between defeat and victory. He will surely answer your cry:

Lord . . . AWAKEN MY HEART . . . TODAY!


Why Is Fellowship Such a Privilege?

Can you imagine the excitement of being invited for a private appointment with the President of the United States? Very few of us will ever have that honor or privilege. Yet the God of the universe invites all His children for a private appointment and allows them to enter His presence for unrestricted fellowship. What a Privilege!!

But even more! This God encourages us to spend much time with Him, allowing us to know Him intimately and enjoy unhindered communion with Him. What a Privilege!

But even more! This God has arranged His plans, so as to invite us to participate with Him in accomplishing His eternal purpose. When we think of this we are almost breathless. What a Privilege!

But even more! God calls us to be so identified with His WAYS that we can become partners with Him in living unto fullness. This is indeed the Ultimate Privilege. For us to really appreciate the theme of this journal, it will be helpful if we understand that . . .

LIFE'S ULTIMATE PRIVILEGE is wrapped up in this word: FELLOWSHIP (koinonia).

This Greek word, koinonia, is a very inclusive word, which in translation requires several English words to give the full meaning. Let us consider these four aspects of fellowship:

We can meet with Him daily:

". . . And truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ" (1 Jn. 1:3). also Prov. 8:34; 1 Cor. 1:9

We can commune with Him intimately:

"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion" (Phil. 2:1 NIV). also Gen.18:17

We can participate in His purpose:

". . . To make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, . . . According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord . . ." (Eph. 3:9, 11). also Rom. 8:28; 2 Tim. 1:9; Heb. 2:6, 7

We can become partners with Him:

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings . . ." (Phil. 3:10 NIV). also 1 Cor. 3:9

Now, let us begin our journey together!
